Rounds Statement on the Formal Count of the Electoral College Votes by Congress

Rounds Statement on the Formal Count of the Electoral College Votes by Congress

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) made the following statement on tomorrow’s formal count of the Electoral College votes by Congress:

“Tomorrow’s vote will be one of the most consequential votes I’ll likely take as a U.S. Senator. 

“If you’ve noticed, I have not joined the chorus of those for or against an objection. Today, those objections do not exist, they have not been shared, and there’s literally nothing to consider until we have a chance to hear the arguments for and against. The bottom line is that I’m keeping an open mind and I look forward to seeing the evidence to support the objections that are being proposed. Ultimately, the Constitution, not political expediency, will guide my decision making.

“I wholeheartedly support an independent investigation into the 2020 election. Since the current approach from several of my Republican colleagues requires the Democrat-controlled House to agree with them, it is dead on arrival. I’m interested in restoring faith, certainty and transparency for the American voter. And, unless we get to the bottom of these allegations, I fear Americans’ faith in our electoral process is in great jeopardy.”

9 thoughts on “Rounds Statement on the Formal Count of the Electoral College Votes by Congress”

  1. There are over 100 congressmen in the House who are objecting too. What does Rounds mean?

    Srtand up tomorrow, please!!!!

  2. Trump let it be stolen from him, he couldn’t take responsibility, and then had to lose those Senate races. We made a deal with Satan and he bit us.

    Go away Trump.

    1. Troy – if the fraud isn’t real to you after last night in GA, you’re irredeemable (I don’t speculate as to why). It was OUR job to protect the ballot boxes.

      1. What part of “Trump let it be stolen from him” doesn’t make it clear there was fraud. Read words as written.

  3. Maybe Senator Rounds’ issues with EB5 are redeemable.

    Now, we’ve seen “it” in slow motion in GA.

    Did you see “it”?

    Do really want “it”?

    Or, do, you want Trumpism?

    Trumpism is now synonymous with Americanism, fairness, electoral integrity.

    Oppose these values if you want, but you’ll be turning broadside to the good guys.

    Fire in the hole (proverbially).

    That is all.

  4. Impeached Objectively guilty of obstruction of justice and felony campaign finance violations, and now election interference
    Added 8 trillion to the deficit he said he’d get rid of in 8 years
    Killed a third of a million people
    Re-started nuclear proliferation
    Failed to build any sort of wall let alone get Mexico to pay a single penny for it
    Lost a trade war with China
    Embarrassed the US on the global stage, over and over again
    Lost the House
    Lost the Senate
    Managed to lose presidency on a sure fire, national disaster, incumbent with 75 million blind supporters ticket

    Your sunk cost fallicy is hilarious. Trump lost. Get over it. You’re the minority. Deal.

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