Sanford Health COVID-19 Hospitalizations up a little from 12/7. Still the unvaccinated taking the brunt of it.

It seems as if we can’t keep these numbers down for COVID-19 hospitalizations in the Sanford Health system. After dropping from the week prior, the new COVID numbers are bouncing back up from 12/7.  Hospitalizations are up to 224 from 207. ISU numbers are up 4 from 66 to 70. And a big jump from 37 on ventilators to 50.

Numbers of vaccinated patients are stable …at very few!

Seriously, the people getting sick are the ones who are unvaccinated. It’s a free country, but statistics aren’t lying here. If you want a greater chance of getting sick, these numbers have been pretty consistent.

So, stop reading facebook goofiness, and go get your jab.

18 thoughts on “Sanford Health COVID-19 Hospitalizations up a little from 12/7. Still the unvaccinated taking the brunt of it.”

  1. There is no pandemic, not any more than the flu or cold. The majority and I say the majority of people are the ones not vaccinated. That is their choice at this point and they’re right, we don’t need these measures in place anymore. Pandemic has been over for a while.

    1. You write: “That is their choice at this point…”

      Out of your entire paragraph – it’s the only part that’s true. But you are not alone. I hear these wild claims almost every day.

      I don’t know if you are being serious when you write this stuff, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Not anymore.

      1. Please explain your response, what don’t you agree with? We never shut down the country over the flu and cold. We now know plenty about Covid, we don’t need to be forcing people to wear masks anywhere. We don’t need to social distance.

            1. Like diabetes, obesity, bad diet, heart problems due to bad choices? I’m guessing a lot because that describes millions of Americans. And that is why I’m vaccinated.

              1. Agreed, so those 8 that died probably were not vaccinated and could have maybe prevented their death.

  2. What legitimate health care organization, hospital or institution is recommending those treatments? What government agency has approved them? Do those things matter?

    1. Go ahead an put out the lies. There have been studies. It is your blog so go ahead and censor. BTW, what about the other therapeutics? You are less than honest on this one.

      1. You mean the things proven over and over again to not work? What about them? Take your dewormer and stay out of the hospital if you get sick.

  3. Another 11 reported Covid deaths today after eight yesterday. That is a lot considering there are much better treatments available now. I wonder if Delta is the cause or if people wait too long to seek help or perhaps something else? I would have expected those numbers to be quite a bit lower by now.

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