The ten commandments bill, Senate Bill 51, which notes in part the following…
Section 1. That a NEW SECTION be added to chapter 13-24:
The board of a school district shall display the Ten Commandments in each classroom in each school located within the district. The display must be a poster or document that is at least eight inches by fourteen inches. The text of the Ten Commandments must be the focus of the poster or document and must be printed in large, easily readable font.
..proposing to post the ten commandments in every High School swim class and welding class is up for debate today, and I’m already listening to proponents try to pooh pooh the fact that they will have to teach this in every class.
We can hope they get rid of this nonsense and leave schools alone – via local control – to decide what’s in the curriculum of our local schools.
Should call this an “ACLU Funding” Bill – like so many other bills this year. So sad and very ignorant.
why can’t these buffoons just paint the Ten Commandments on their garage doors snd leave the schools alone?
Mr Powers, you could print up Ten Commandment yard signs and bumper stickers to sell them, too