Schaefbauer tells group moratorium may be coming on wind, solar, pipelines and mining. Perry swipes at Senate predecessors.

I took one for the team recently, and listened to a fairly painful forum of NIMBY’s held up in McPherson county, so you didn’t have to do it. Most of it was a lot of droning on about Data Centers, but there were a couple of interesting takeaways from 2 members of incoming legislative leadership from District 3.

Interesting, as in how Carl Perry views the people he’s the incoming assistant of leading, and what legislation Brandei Schaefbauer is cheering on to attack energy production and possibly even mining in South Dakota.

First off, at about 1 hour and 32 minutes or so in, Senator-elect Carl Perry takes some time to brag himself up as the Senate’s incoming Assistant Majority leader, the same time he’s in front of a crowd in public throwing rocks at the outgoing Senate GOP leadership team.. despite several of them still being part of the GOP Caucus:

Perry: “I haven’t really been in the Senate yet, but I’m already the Assistant Majority Leader… But you know, uh, here’s the news. The people who were in there before were sooo bad.”

Is Carl perceptive enough to realize that being a sore winner isn’t exactly inspirational leadership for holding the caucus together and getting things done?  I guess we’re going to find out.

Also as part of the video (at around 1:40 or so) is the big item that should grab attention. At the meeting, another District 3 legislator, State Representative Brandei Schaefbauer is explaining to the crowd that energy development is happening too quickly so they need new laws to slow it down…

Schaefbauer: “The other thing is, is um.. don’t be surprised.. and I’m very hopeful that we will have some, um legislation on moratoriums for all of this green energy because it’s coming so fast and furious into our state that, you know that, that some laws were maken.. er, made like years ago, um, just to, you know kind of get it in here and now it’s just full force.  Well, I think we have the right people in leadership, we have the right amount of people – especially in the House – that are like we’re gonna stop and we need to think about this before, you know, we become, like I say, a wasteland.

So um, I’m very hopeful that there will be some legislation just on a statewide moratorium on this green energy, whether it’s wind, solar, the pipelines, um, mining out in our beautiful Black Hills, um, you know and I, I’ve heard there may be some summer studies on wind.. what are we going to do with these wind towers that are at their life’s end, you know. We need to look at some reclamation accounts, trust accounts that will help landowners reclaim the loss of after, you know, these towers go down… or where are these computers going to be buried...”

Schaefbauer tells the crowd she’s hopeful to stifle energy production and mining in South Dakota? Wow.

The Legislative Session opens at noon on January 15th. We might want to pay close attention and see what industries and energy production South Dakota has left by session’s end.

21 thoughts on “Schaefbauer tells group moratorium may be coming on wind, solar, pipelines and mining. Perry swipes at Senate predecessors.”

    1. I will admit that Carl is pretty much right.

      We saw the last leadership team lead their team to the slaughter.

      They really didn’t accomplish much. Made lots of noise. Fought lots of battles but really don’t have anything to show for it.

      The turnover is unprecedented.

      Legislators listen to your constituents and ignore leaderships arm twisting and the lobbyists voices.

      Carl Perry is not wrong. Even if you don’t like him.

  1. We have yet to bottom out here in District 3 as far as legislative representation. It’s been bad for far too long already and it has cost us dearly. The positive in all of this is that there is plenty of enthusiasm to replace them.

    1. Enthusiasm is great. But you need to get people to the polls. You had a fantastic opportunity to replace 1/3 this past June and you dropped the ball, horribly.
      They did her so dirty, good luck getting good candidates to run in the future. The crazies have a mile long succession list. There are 5-10 carbon copies off Carl, Al and Brandei waiting in the wings.

  2. Has anyone run any of this past Supreme Leader Doeden yet? Isn’t he big into Crypto? He even owns a few mining facilities up in Aberdeen, right? Wouldn’t those be considered “data centers” under their definitions? The horribly misinformed idiots who let this meeting spent a good chunk of the hour and 45 minutes bashing crypto currency, and mining – having no real fact but preaching from their own fear mongering fixture (much like Toby does). Shouldn’t he be worried about that?

    Grand Dragon Toby’s not going to like HIS minions going rouge.

  3. Idiocy!
    We don’t generate enough energy to sustain growth without data centers.
    Where do these fools plan to get revenue to fund the state and schools? They plan to pass a voucher program that will hurt mostly in rural districts. So what’s left of the public schools will need more than the 60 cents of every dollar we already spend on schools.
    So yes, forge ahead with killing energy production in SD. That will set well with farmers, ranchers and land owners they want to tax while taking their private property rights away.
    Real entitlement with these two.

  4. Our fastiest growing school is pumping out IT professionals who will be working these data centers along with all the new tech that is coming. Putting your head in the sand is not a good way to proceed. This sounds like a bunch of old grouchy codgers complaining about progress and their lack of understanding of energy and our climate.

  5. Perry: “I haven’t really been in the Senate yet, but I’m already the Assistant Majority Leader… But you know, uh, here’s the news. The people who were in there before were sooo bad.”

    Really Carl? Disagreed with prior leadership on a number of issues but at least they had the good sense to not associate with or attend a Nazi Rally in Sioux Falls. Former Majority Leader Will Mortenson was spot on with this and we will not forget this! This was an embarrassment to the citizens of District 3, 1 and the rest of South Dakota! It was a disgusting event!

    “South Dakota House Majority Leader Will Mortenson, R-Fort Pierre, condemned the event and called those hosting it non-Republicans.

    “I spoke out against Nazis when they came to the Capitol this summer,” Mortenson said in a statement, referencing a June march in Pierre by a neo-Nazi group, “and don’t like them any better when they are in Sioux Falls. When you’re throwing a rally featuring a self-described Nazi, you’re not a Republican. You belong to a different party. There’s no room for Nazi sympathy in our party or in our state.”

    1. Are you suggesting this strange young fellow, this Aberdonite as I understand it, is a sympathizer with those who claim to be associated with the Nazis?

      That’s not good at all. grudznick disapproves greatly.

  6. Thanks Pat. More puritanical zealotry by those who espouse to be Republicans. When will the next book burning take place? When will they establish the high committee on morality to then tell us what we can and can’t do? These bafoons are not Reagan Republicans but merely fascists in sheep’s clothing. Stop this nonsense and start focusing on the core issues facing our state. Good Lord!

  7. Stop energy production? Just like Biden?
    The complete opposite of Trumps policy of energy independence?
    They have completed their metamorphosis into the far left.
    NOT Republican, NOT Conservative!

    1. Biden hasn’t stopped energy production, in fact, it has increased under him. We are pumping more oil now than we ever did under Trump. I say that as a well owner. I’ve also been saying cheap gas isn’t happening unless you want bigger problems but Trumpers don’t understand energy production. There isn’t much they do understand if they voted for someone to raise their taxes with tariffs to give the wealthy a tax break.

  8. So the District 3 reps up there want to stop wind, solar and what next advanced nuclear in our state?

    Where are we going to get our energy to sustain what we have and grow economic development? Prayers? A new power plant that burns books? It is doubtful South Dakota has enough books to burn that even Mom’s for Bigotry and the other Fascists want to burn unless they have them shipped from other states via rail box cars.

  9. That’s Whip Schaefbauer to you, PP!

    Thanks for not editing her comments down for clarity. I felt like I was in the room reading all the um’s, like’s and you know’s!

  10. I suggest these “legislators” & their supporters relocate to a location that has no mining, no energy production and no data centers such as Gaza.

  11. If that is what the energy companies have paid her to say, she will say it. Until the legislators and their higher-ups can line their pockets, the only energy we can consider in this state is coal and oil. I’m sure this will be an excellent investment for us taxpayers. The founding fathers said you must give all the power to one side, do things in secrecy, and I think it was Ben Franklin who said if all else fails, blame it on the trans people.

  12. And now Fox News just sent out a news alert that says Trump wants to invent $20B to build new data centers. So shes now against Trump? VOTE HER OUT!

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