Have you seen all the talk on Facebook about life-long Republican office holders and activists being called RINOs (a derisive term meaning Republican In Name Only) by the group that’s now in charge of the SD Republican Party?
Let’s not forget this from November, when the crazies demanded an ideological purge of the GOP..
Their efforts in trying to purge life-long Republicans might be because they wanted a new kind of Republican in there.
While the rest of us have been out trying to elect Republicans for the last 20, 30 years or more, we find out today that new SDGOP chair Jim Eschenbaum might not have been so much on board. Especially considering he explains how he was a 2~time Obama voter; In 2008 and again in 2012:
The state GOP’s executive director, Reggie Rhoden, announced he is leaving that administrative role. It could be filled by volunteers or with more involvement from county officials, said Eschenbaum…
Eschenbaum voted for Barack Obama in 2008 because he thought electing the first Black president would help address racial tensions. He was ready to vote Republican in 2012, upset with runaway spending following the Great Recession but was unimpressed with GOP candidate Mitt Romney’s campaign and supported Obama again.
It was Trump’s resonance in rural America, combined with the leftward drift of the national Democratic Party, that thrust Eschenbaum into the Republican ranks.
The Democrat party drifted leftward since Obama? I tend to think it drifted leftward with Jim’s Eschenbaum’s guy.
For those who have been trying to cast those they deem as ideologically impure Republicans out of the Grand Old Party, I’d kindly suggest “you first.”
A lot of good people on this list. It’s interesting to me that Governor Rhoden didn’t make the cut, but not at all surprising. He might be the only man we know in Pierre who’s never sold out his values for power or money.
Hopeful they make good use of their time and stand behind him in the next cycle instead of some throwaway-vote like Jon Hansen or Steve Haugaard (blegh). It would certainly help legitimize them as the true SDGOP going forward.
They could help him make up the lost ground Dusty has gained from diddling around on his phone all day, giving himself credit every time the Governor in a state 1,600 miles away puts his name to a piece of paper. Dusty might be a shoe-in for Governor right now, so if they want any remote chance of keeping him out, looks like Rhoden is their only option.
Rhoden has never sold out his values? Pretty sure there is a few senators that were just walking around Pierre who would disagree with that after Rhoden lied to them about the pipeline vote. He’s tarnished his name in a big way to score points with the nuts.
Rhoden sold out to a bunch of bullies! In one signature he has ruined SD economy & hurt SD farmers…not just once but for years to come. The state budget is tight…mark my word, the farmers will be the ones expected to fix it & will be getting taxed more to do it.
interesting tvat Monae Johnson and Pat Powers made the same list
As did Mike Rounds, Kristi Noem, and John Thune. We’re in good company.
Could not resist.
That’s funny!😆
Sounds like Eschenbaum switched to be a Republican so he was able to win an election to keep his appointed county commissioner job. What’s the definition of a RINO?
With all the social controls that these “real” Republicans keep pushing for, it makes you wonder if THEY aren’t the real RINOs and are really Statists in disguise?
It’s kind of like those folks on the internet who insist on calling themselves “Alpha Males”. If you have to keep bragging that point, you really aren’t.
And I know I’m stirring the hornet’s nest. Frankly, I don’t care. If you’re going to come at me… good luck with that, Junior.
there is no “wonder” involved. We know. The SDGOP has been taken over by RINOs
Eschenbaum is a big Monae Johnson supporter.
He was then Monae started following the law and that really doesn’t set well with the zealots on the far right. So she’s out of the club.
Eschenbaum has lead opposition to CAFOs in Hand Co. saying the applicant doesn’t deserve a permit because they don’t live in the county. (Real supporter of property rights and Ag there)
He has voted for tax increases and full health benefits for commissioners on the taxpayer dime. (Effectively doubling their salaries for one meeting a month to around $20k/year.)
His actions are much different than the propaganda he spews from that gapping maw beneath his stash!
Hypocrisy comes naturally to a Democrat, which is what Eschenbaum has always been and will always be.
And the idiots that elected him to lead the SDGOP demonstrate exactly who the real “RINOS” are.