21 thoughts on “SD Senate President Pro Tempore says GOP in SD Senate will not have a convicted sex offender in caucus”

  1. Considering Lee recruited then When his 1st candidate dropped out continued to recruit numerous candidates to run against Koskan then he tried to redistrict the district to make sure he couldn’t win this seems like no big surprise

      1. Good.

        For the “inside baseball”-types, the upcoming leadership elections will be intriguing.

  2. I didn’t realize he was a convicted sex offender, how did he win the endorsement of the SD GOP, will they really take anyone who puts an (R) by their name? Was Trump right when he said he would run as a republican, because they are stupid and will believe anything?

    1. There is no such thing as “winning the endorsement of the SD GOP.” Anyone can go to the county auditor and register as a Republican, take out a petition, and get on the ballot. If there is no other Republican candidate (as was the case for Koskan), there is no primary and you are the Republican nominee.

      That’s not to say that some Republicans haven’t supported him; obviously they had no idea about this scandal when they made that decision. I’d bet you cannot find a Republican that is supporting him now.

      And, by the way, you cannot “withdraw” at this point. The deadline to withdraw is in August. Ballots have been printed and people have been voting for six weeks.

      Schoenbeck’s statement is spot on. The voters will never elect Koskan at this point and the problem will take care of itself. If Koskan somehow is elected, he will likely do the decent thing and immediately resign. If he doesn’t do that, the Senate could refuse to seat him on the first day of session – won’t be too hard to get support for that – and the seat would be deemed to be vacant.

      1. Then they can appoint a republican replacement. Do you see why they might still want him to win the race?

  3. If he is NOT convicted what is the harm in voting for him? What happened to innocent before being found guilty of said crime….The Republican Party is the party that stresses the “Rule of Law” – if that is to be true, then let the voters vote for him, then worry about it when or if he is convicted and he accepts a guilty verdict, which could take years, if he appeals ll decisions.

      1. Why do you have to call names, Again, you are all worried about a guy who may or may NOT be convicted. If you were really a “Supporter” of the Constitution, you would agree with me that you are “INNOCENT UNTIL FOUND GUILTY” by a Jury Trial – the man at this point in time is INNOCENT – if he gets elected tomorrow, he is fairly elected. IF he gets convicted in the future, well, we will deal with it later. STOP being a bully.

        1. Good lord, are you that dense? The guy was wanting to plead guilty TODAY, and the judge pumped the brakes on it. Seriously, stop embarrassing yourself.

        2. Mike, go read the probable cause statement, the evidence is overwhelming. The text messages to his daughter admit guilt. He pulled a Dick Nixon and probably filmed all these events with his countless spy cameras. If he were not an “inner party” member, the state would be issuing a subpoena for the cloud based cameras and he would be charged with child pornography as well. I would argue that since the images went to an out of state server, he could also be charged federally. The only reason his daughter had a connection with law enforcement was that he was friends with the former assistant director of the DCI. I am all for “innocent until proven guilty”, but we can all see he’s guilty already, we don’t need a jury of our peers to decide on this one, he was almost caught in the act. The last republican legislator that was having incest sex with his children got 44 years, I feel like this one should be more, but apparently the connections he has will make it be less, I’m not sure why.

  4. Just like Ted Klaudt, the SD GOP has a little problem with pedophiles in the ranks. They project a lot when it comes to them complaining about dems “grooming” little kids.

    1. That “projection” could have something to do with leftist intellectuals trying hard to normalize pedophilia with terms like “minor-attracted person.” Just saying.

    2. And Democrats had former State Rep Gil Koetzle who committed suicide after being caught downloading kiddie porn.

      Neither virtue nor bad actors are exclusive to one party.

      1. But this is the second South Dakota legislator (don’t even care about party affiliation) that has had an incestuous relationship with their child/children. Something is a bit odd here, I did not think this was common at all. The hypocrisy of these people going all out on “protecting the kids” before they are caught may be a sign. Maybe we can put a “sexual deviant screening” requirement on the ballot for future legislators to be screened, that would really protect the kids more than worrying about what bathrooms they are using. Some of this is a mask for their deviant thoughts and actions.

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