SDGOP Article in support of Trump censored by Twitter

From Twitter, the South Dakota Republican Party is unhappy tonight that their recent website article in support of the President has been blocked on Twitter:

26 thoughts on “SDGOP Article in support of Trump censored by Twitter”

  1. Twitter is in full censorship mode now. People need to wake up to the unquestionable threat Twitter is to free speech and the second Amendment.

    I love how they refer to “anonymous partners”. And who might that be? We are left to speculate, but one thing for sure is that they are all Progressives.

      1. I was in a polling place and my t-shirt said 2nd amendment. She asked to cover my shirt because it was political speech. I said its a constitutional amendment. I was going to ague but you cant argue with the stupid. I just sighed and zipped up my Jacket. Bridget isn’t very bright.

        1. You lose the right to free political speech when you enter a polling place, that is federal law. It prevents people from campaigning at the polls and intimidating or swaying voters.

          Who could have guessed that the actual poll worker knew how to do their job as opposed to some know it all martyr

          1. If the t-shirt said bill of rights?
            If it said 1st amendment?
            Freedom of religion?
            George Washington?
            Mt Rushmore?
            Civil Rights?

            It wasn’t advocating a politician or a ballot item.

            What if it said the grass is green?
            The sky is blue?

            I cant see your basis

  2. I’m sure Senator Thune will pressing Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on why he gets to be the referee when it comes to political speech on social media platforms.

  3. I would think people should stop using this Twitter thing and go back to the bloggings and emails and bulletin boards.

  4. I dont understand why anyone feels they have a right to post on Twitter? Twitter is a company with a service, they can refuse that service to anyone for any reason. This is the fundamental premise of capitalism and requiring them to jump through a bunch of state sanctions sounds like communism to me.

    If the any group dont like it, they can go make their own site and use it. All of you go there and twitter should just collapse due to lack of users.

    To make a comparison that might help, its like a bakery not wanting to bake a cake because they don’t approve of the ceremony in which it will be used.

    Supreme court says find another bakery, so feel free.

    1. That is not true. Try being a bakery and prohibiting gay people from using your service and see what backlash and censuring you will get. Try being a restaurant and denying black people entry. You CANNOT refuse service to anyone for any reason.

      1. That whole free speech this so complicated, I know. Censoring is not right. Same thing for ANTIFA or KKK. More speech is always better.

      2. The bakery did just that and the Supreme Court said it is totally legal.

        You actually provide the available remedy in your response though, if you don’t like something about the way a particular privately owned business does things, go find one that does. Or start your own!

      3. What’s wrong with using your first amendment rights to alert people to hatred, racism, homophobia, nationalism?

        Do you honestly believe those have any place in decent society? If you do – please reply with your name.

    2. I agree. Twitter is free to censor. However, when they do, they take ownership of what is said and should be able to be sued for libel and defamation. Now they are exempt.

    3. According to Bill Gates’ Event 201 that he ran a year ago, social media are to partner with government to censor dissident speech. Therefore, the First Amendment perhaps should apply to Twitter.

  5. It seems that they are discriminating against conservatives. Businesses should not be able to discriminate.

    1. What do you think this is? At what point does a business warrant regulation to make sure censorship is not happening?

      1. You have this backwards. Twitter has the right to be free of government censorship. That includes their editorial and fact checking policies.

    2. You must not be familiar with the Supreme Court decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Comission (2018), was a case in the Supreme Court of the United States that dealt with whether owners of public accommodations can refuse certain services based on the First Amendment claims of free speech and free exercise of religion, and therefore be granted an exemption from laws ensuring non-discrimination in public accommodations — in particular, by refusing to provide creative services, such as making a custom wedding cake for the marriage of a gay couple, on the basis of the owner’s religious beliefs.

      Twitter has a 1st amendment right to curate anything on their service and are insulated from discrimination claims. Also, and probably more importantly, twitter isn’t discriminating against conservatives per se, instead they are actively stopping the spread of known falsehoods and attempts at deliberate misinformation. The fact that it’s exclusively conservatives doing those things does not make them a protected class. Not only is what Twitter doing Constitutional, it’s patriotic as well.

  6. I have never been on Twitter and don’t think I have missed a thing. I suggest if you are conservative you leave it. The release which I have read elsewhere had nothing false in it.

  7. note to democrats: after the last four years, if you come to me asking for cooperation and unity i’m going to laugh and tell you to blow it out your other end.

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