7 thoughts on “SDGOP Chair Dan Lederman gets shout out last night from President Trump”

  1. I love the fact that he immediately drifted away from talking about the candidates he was supposed to stunp for and juat started talking about himself, how great he is, and election fraud.

  2. Wait a minute — Lederman gets a ‘shout out’ from the original ‘election denier’; how are we to parse this? Does this make Lederman a conspiracy theorist? What will John, Mike, and Dusty say?
    Stay tuned as DWC leap frogs from one lily pad to the next.

  3. Cool! All the Biden loving losers are on today projecting to cover up the damage they are doing and blame same on Republicans.

  4. That wasn’t a shoutout to Lederman. That was a shoutout to Kristi as he has only publicly endorsed her (back in February). Why hasn’t she tapped DJT – she could sure use his influence right now. Or would that get in the way of the left leaning election deniers that she aligns herself with?

  5. Congrats Dan Lederman. Always a win when Pres Trump recognizes you publicly in a positive light.

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