SDSU President threatens students “everyone’s going home and you’ll be in your parents’ basement for another six months”

From the SDSU Student Newspaper’s Twitter feed, as they were covering the Student Association Meeting last night, apparently SDSU President Barry Dunn is not happy with all the tomfoolery going around Brookings:

I’m also hearing that Dunn may be pushing the Brookings City Commission to limit gatherings to no more than ten people.

21 thoughts on “SDSU President threatens students “everyone’s going home and you’ll be in your parents’ basement for another six months””

  1. Sue him for tuition and room and board and other damages. That will show him he is not a king.

    He should be sent to his parents nursing home..

  2. The university system is captured.

    Needs some *ahem* gentle nudging, and some upgrades in the age of The Internet.

    I LOVE that parents can see what is going on in the classroom.

  3. What tomfoolery is going on? I suspect this President lacks the character to be college President. I am amazed at how certain people seem to know what is best for everyone and are willing to remove freedoms.

  4. Oh no! College students are behaving like college students! Can’t have that.

    And yes, I know they’re ripe to get COVID. They also have almost zero chance of hospitalization or death. And they also have minimal contact with the most vulnerable — the elderly. And people with underlying conditions already know to keep their distance from the rest of us. So… party on, dudes!

    1. Yes except now they have also been threatened with being fined $100.00 per person for gathering in groups of more than 4 . They have also been threatened with another $100.00 fine every time they leave their dorm room without a mask !

    2. Yes except now they have also been threatened with being fined $100.00 per person for gathering in groups of more than 4 . They have also been threatened with another $100.00 fine every time they leave their dorm room without a mask !

  5. Step 1: Promise in-person education so that students enroll for the fall semester (even though you know that your COVID plans are insufficient)
    Step 2: Get students on campus and watch COVID cases rise
    Step 3: Blame the students for doing the same things they ever year and tell them it’s their fault they can’t have in person education.

    1. College is overrated and in my opinion almost worthless anymore. THey are not educating our young adults, they are indoctrinating them with Left Wing Dribble and safe spaces. I wish some of these students would get together and sue SDSU for infringing on their rights. This is a state school and we are not on lock down. This is not Minnesotastan

      1. “Left Wing Dribble.”

        I think drivel is the word you are looking for, person who decries education. I would call this ironic, but we all know it isn’t.

        1. If you think pooblic universities are not indoctrinating students you are certainly uninformed or lying because you approve of the indoctrination.

          There are a lot of degrees out there that give a perfesser a job but are not worth the money; everything is not worthy of being taught.

          By the way, I’m not Anonymous 10:47.

    2. I have heard from a few people that the rumor at USD is they will be switching to all online classes after Labor Day, which just so happens to be right after the deadline for tuition reimbursement.

      I hope that its just student gossip because that would be an incredibly shady thing to do.

  6. If I’d saved a lifetime to give my child a leg up with a university education, this year and perhaps next, my child would be taking a gap year/s of public service, workforce or military.

    1. J – very wise strategy.

      Anonymous – sign your name, fear is the enema .. er .. enemy.

      Speaking of the US university system, its admin and professorial ranks need a proverbial enema.

      The knowledge in the halls of higher learning is valuable and rightfully revered. However, the universities have been captured long ago, and through adjuncts and criminal network open the flood gates to radicalize, spy on, exploit, extort, blackmail young people.

  7. Didn’t we just have a massive state-sanctioned party with almost half a million largely maskless people in the Black Hills a few weeks back?

    It seems ridiculous for Barry Dunn to be wagging his finger and putting the blame on students who just want to get together with their friends over the weekend!

  8. Wait a minute – all of the keyboard warriors that frequent here lambasted USD for having a liberal agenda and silencing the conservative voices. Now, SDSU which is widely considered to be the most “conservative” university President is taking action to stop the spread of COVID-19 and the same people are freaking out about his thoughts – he’s not even taken action yet according to this post.

    Why don’t the idiots remain idiots, and let the school system manage the school system and it’s activities. Colleges aren’t and shouldn’t be dictated by people who don’t really matter. Yes, we all pay taxes that support the university system, but it also creates jobs and improves the overall quality of life and environment of the state for the better. Save the complaints for issues that really matter.

    1. The difference between Conservatives and Liberals is that we call out our own when they step over the line. On the Liberal plantation that does not happen and the riots and looting are a perfect example.. These kids are paying for an education that is subsidized by John Q taxpayer so yes we have the right to speak out on this. If they are going to online-only classes I would expect a huge reduction in tuition, especially for kids who are required to stay in dorm rooms. I find higher education indoctrination institutions with many worthless degrees that add no value in the real world. Most, not all, but, most professors teach because they cannot do. If these professors sat down and tried to teach a bunch of 40+-year-old adults they would not make it past the 1st class as the Adults would shut that down pretty quick. Their only real power in life is that over 18 and 19 year old kids and would not last long in a real profession. I used to have respect for teachers but, anymore they are too busy pushing an agenda vs educating.

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