Secretary of State looking for another elections coordinator. Job currently posted.

Anyone want to be the South Dakota Elections Coordinator?

No, really. Is there anyone who wants to do it? Because the job is open again the day before the next round of elections:

From the last report, the job had been filled around February, so Secretary of State Monae Johnson is back to the drawing board on a person to serve as her point person for election questions.

11 thoughts on “Secretary of State looking for another elections coordinator. Job currently posted.”

    1. Great question. If this is the Director level spot, they are way light on pay if they want someone quality. I suppose they used that payroll to pay Deadrick though?

  1. What a flipping dumpster fire! How much longer do we need to endure this tinfoil hat regime?

  2. Maybe she should consider hiring a psychic this time, because clearly finding a competent point person is proving to be quite the challenge

    1. It would be helpful if public will for integrity and reform was more concrete.

      Our federal representatives lacked leadership on the issue.

      In particular, Senator Thune had a chance to model election integrity in his behaviour.

      He didn’t have to claim “FRAUD!” to ask for 10 days to look into the election issues and report before certification. The same situation could have resulted, but with integrity having greater long term results being that the kids were watching.

      Now, even from South Dakota, you can hear the claps from waves of military aged men at the border in Yuma, San Diego, Laredo, El Paso, and every reservation on the border.

      A ship that has sailed for Senator Thune in my opinion, the leadership act of supporting an audit creates more incentive in SD to solve the issue. The kids would also get tuned into an area of need within our society; morality.

      Winning the argument is simple.

      Just be right.

      South Dakotans want fair elections.

      1. ~ South Dakotans want fair elections. ~

        Can you give some examples where the elections were NOT fair?

  3. It’s a lot of work to do.

    There are more people in South Dakota who have phones than have cattle with phones, as the saying goes.


    Respectfully, here are the grievances articulated by the side wanting election reform (audio download at the link):

    Jessica lists the problems with the systems being put forward at SOS including their somewhat shady lineage.

    The key takeaway from the interview, I think, was that election integrity requires verifiable computer systems and paper trails.

    Until we have a computer aided system we can trust, hand counting is a good investment, but only as much as integrity is our brand.

    That is all.

    1. John Dale would 5G have a mind control effect on the SoS office and the high turnover? Based on the experiences you have had what would be most effective? Specially designed tin foil hats or a office installed Faraday cage for optimum shielding?

      1. I love it! Especially how Mr. Dale avoids directly answering ANY question. Bottom line, what brand of tin foil does the SOS office prefer? We should start a go fund me page to pay for a case of it!

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