Sen Brock Greenfield in, Sen. Stace Nelson off of GOAC

Interim Committees are taking shape with the State Legislature, and one change that’s been pointed out to me was that State Senator Brock Greenfield has replaced Senator Stace Nelson with himself on the Government Operations and Audit Committee:

Interesting. A return to stability and courtesy might be a welcome change of pace.

12 thoughts on “Sen Brock Greenfield in, Sen. Stace Nelson off of GOAC”

  1. While Stace and Lance are calling lunatics in McPherson County to become Delegates in hopefully throttling AG first round pics at the Convention.

  2. Your article assumes Stace was bumped from the committee against his will. The other possibility is he requested to be relieved. It is well know he is one of the busiest legislators in Pierre.

    1. “It is well know he is one of the busiest legislators in Pierre.”

      Said no one ever, Stace.

    2. Stace being the busiest may be one of the funniest things I have heard in a long time. To quote a popular tv show, he was vote off the island. Good riddance I say.

    3. ‘The other possibility is he requested to be relieved’

      Is that like when he went into the bathroom for relief? A long vote avoiding relief?

  3. Just another example of how the Establishment protects its system of legalized corruption in Pierre.

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