Sen. Rounds demanding answers on UFO’s from military

No. It’s not a re-run of the X-files.

South Dakota Senator Mike Rounds is part of a group in the US Senate demanding answers to rumors about the military collecting data on extraterrestrials and UFO’s:

The Senate has adopted an amendment to an annual defense bill that would require the federal government to collect and disclose all records related to UFOs and UAPs unless a special review board determines they must be kept classified.

The amendment was sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), a member of the Senate Armed Services and Intelligence committees.


Rounds said he has seen “no evidence personally” that extraterrestrial craft are visiting the planet but said, “I know that there’s a lot of people that have questions about it.”


“I don’t think anybody should say that they know for certain either way,” he said. “If we simply refuse to acknowledge there’s even a remote possibility, then we’re probably not being honest.”

“Some of the items we simply can’t explain,” he said of the Naval videos of UAPs.

Read it all here.

Stay tuned …

13 thoughts on “Sen. Rounds demanding answers on UFO’s from military”

  1. i always think it has to do with testing of sensitive military gear, and advance weapon and surveillance system development. just a thought.

  2. Oh crap it’s alien invasion season already? I still have my you can’t leave your house because sneezes decorations up!

  3. If the federal government is spending our money looking for UFOs, the least they can do is explain where the money went

  4. Senator Rounds has spent much of his time as a Senator working on Defense appropriations and in efforts to strengthen our military. If he says there is something out there that needs to be investigated, I believe him.

  5. Couple of old sayings come to mind about this..

    The Devil you know…
    Be careful what you wish for–you may get it….

    We have to assume that we are not alone–and that there are species out there in other galaxies that may be millions of years ahead of us as far as evolution.

    This very idea freaks out…
    1. Religious sect as they believe God made man in the image of him…
    2. Narcissistic political leaders—how can somebody be more smart than us
    3. GQP followers that are a combo of #1 and #2.

    You could very well see a systematic breakdown of civilization if we were to be visited by unfriendly aliens. Hopefully they would be friendly–but just like us humans–there are good ones….and very very bad ones…

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