Senator John Thune favored to win top nod for US Senate Majority Leader in narrow contest

From the Hill, this week’s big contest may put US Senator John Thune in the driver’s seat for the Senate Majority Leader position:

The temperature is rising in the battle to lead Senate Republicans, with Sens. John Thune (S.D.) and John Cornyn (Texas) facing a one-week sprint to win the top spot after the GOP clinched control of the upper chamber.

According to multiple senators and aides, Thune and Cornyn, along with their allies, have been burning up the phones of members in search of support ahead of next week’s election to replace outgoing Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.).


Thune was consistently on the road in support of Senate GOP candidates throughout October, appearing for all of those in competitive races — save for Kari Lake in Arizona — during the final month, according to a source familiar with the South Dakotan’s operation.


“The way it’s playing out, it’s 100 percent Thune’s at this point. It’s just a formality. I don’t see how Cornyn gets there, and I don’t see how Rick Scott gets there. They’re both good guys, I just don’t see how they get there,” Mullin said. “This leadership election has been going on a long time. … Now, it’s a closing argument and making sure your vote stays where it’s at [and] following up.”


Thune also has some structural advantages. At 63 years old, he is nearly a decade younger than the 72-year-old Cornyn. He also isn’t up for reelection until 2028, while Cornyn is up next cycle and could face a primary challenge from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R), with whom there is no love lost.

Read the entire story here.

Good Luck Senator Thune! We’re here pulling for you!

21 thoughts on “Senator John Thune favored to win top nod for US Senate Majority Leader in narrow contest”

  1. The South Dakota Doeden Dumpster Diver (Wackadoodle) coalition are doing everything to stop Senator Thune from being Majority Leader.

  2. On a national level, Elon Musk does not want Thune as Majority Leader either. Called Thune a “Top Choice for Democrats.”

  3. Thune may be a Republican but from his past statements regarding Trump and Trump supporters, I am not sure that he will be a positive for a Trump administration.

  4. No we are definitely not all pulling for you. The establishment is dead, and Thune is as establishment as it gets. Hard pass.

    1. Speak for yourself! Our family is definitely pulling for Thune!! It would be fantastic for the State of South if Thune were Majority Leader!

      Well, that is if you hate “Economic Development,” as you and your comrades appear to.

      Personally, I love it when our economy thrives! Then I don’t have to pay attention as closely to the price of eggs! But maybe that’s just me?

  5. see? by 2026 the SDGOP will be running an opposition candidate.
    The sanerest among us need to be prepared

    1. Thune has raised millions in funding for Senate Races across this nation and spent months non stop, campaigning on Republican Candidates behalf. Thune also transfered $4 million from his personal campaign account to the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) to help chip away at the big fundraising advantage Senate Democrats have enjoyed so far this cycle. He was instrumental in getting the Senate solid red this election. Thune has demonstrated his ability to bring independents and democrats across the isle to support important legislation. He has proven his ability to lead the Senate. I wish him the best of luck. South Dakota is fortunate to have him as our Senator.

  6. Under four years of Trump, Thune had one of the highest percentages of support for Trump policies. More so than supposed Trumpies like Hawley and Cruz.

    They are on good terms and Thune raised millions for his campaign.

    I believe Thune will support Trump 99 out of 100 times but not when he proposes some nutball idea or says something stupid. That’s what I want in a Maj Leader. Someone sane.

    Trump is going to get sideways at times with whomever the Leader is. That’s what he does.

  7. It is in Trump’s interest to get the Leader who will be able to lead the individual Senators to be most cohesive.

    Blind loyalty to the Executive Branch diminishes the ability to lead the Senate side of the the Congressional Branch and will end up diminishing Trump’s legislative success.

    1. And, Rick Scott has no chance. As head of the Senate Campaign committee, his colleagues hold him responsible for losing Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Georgia in 2022.

      Imagine what Trump could do with 57 Senators and what could have been stopped the last two years.

      1. Agreed. That idiotic manifesto Scott released prior to the 2022 election distracted from the growing disaster the Biden administration was and put candidates on the defensive when they were supposed to be going on the attack. Too big an ego for the job. Trump may not like Thune or Cornyn, but neither of them would try to steal the spotlight from him like Scott will.

  8. Sen. MarkWayne Mullen from OK is a confidant of Trump and Thune and he wants Thune, so that’s good enough for me. MWM is a stud.

  9. John Thune has a strong, Christian foundation from his childhood until now. As a west river, common sense leader he is one of the best in DC. He’s never said anything that isn’t true, he is as sharp as a tack, and he has the experience to see how best to legislate issues that are best for our country. He’ll be a great asset for Trump and I believe they will grow their relationship. Thune will work with him to move his agenda forward. It’s time to get down to business after this mess of 4 years and that’s what Thune does. He doesn’t chase after TV cameras and scream about how conservative he really is. He only puts down those who hate America. Obama was raised by a Marxists grandfather and Camala’s father is one too. We need to elect American loving, serious and true leaders like Thune. He’s one of the few who is up to this ‘almost impossible’ task of getting us back on track in 4 years. John Thune is America’s best choice. Let him lead, then follow or get out of the way!

    1. Well said. Love this. “…serious and true leader..”

      John Thune might not be the flashy, press seeking politician that some like to be nowadays. But ever since he was first elected to the House, and then the Senate, he has been a serious leader and has represented us well. And he’s a man of conservative and Christian values — something many of the detractors have lost track of lately.

    2. Well said Think About It. Thank you for reminding us John’s first allegiance is to God and he was formed where common sense is most prevelant.

      Thune is about results, he will willing to get results that are incrementally forward instead of holding out for the whole banana that seldom happens in politics, and not who gets the credit, as he has his whole career. There is much promise of the Trump term and if successful, many Senators and the President will be claiming the credit. But, the unseen thread making it happen from the Congressional Branch will be John Thune.

  10. The only thing better than Thune as Majority leader is having Tom Daschle who served as both Majority leader and Minority leader in the US Senate. Tom made us all proud!

    Good luck Senator Thune. Now it is your turn. You will never be a Tom Daschle but you can be a leader of reason.

  11. the house freedom caucus totally erased the existing order of succession.
    if tom cotton does not leapfrog over thune i will be quite surprised.

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