Senator Julie Frye Mueller releases statement, portraying herself as a victim, claiming she is being persecuted for “advancing freedom.”

Republican State Senator and (IMHO) awful person Julie Frye Mueller has issued a poorly worded & canned statement to the media which tries to downplay the negative interaction she had with an employee of the Legislative Research Council which got her stripped of her legislative committees and booted from caucus:

From Dakota News Now:

In a statement to Dakota News Now/KOTA Territory, Sen. Julie Frye-Mueller (R-Rapid City) accused Senate President Pro Tempore Lee Schoenbeck (R-Watertown) of “stripping the people of District 30 of representation on important topics that effect (sic) our district.”


Frye-Mueller acknowledged that the reason for the controversy stemmed from a conversation that she had earlier this week with a Legislative Research Council (LRC) staffer, but said that that conversation did not revolve around the COVID-19 vaccine and it’s efficacy, as has been speculated in the State Capitol.


“It is a sad day in America when advancing freedom becomes a crime,” Frye-Mueller said

Read the entire story here.

Aside from the fact that she’s denying it had anything to do with vaccines, I wonder who wrote this for her….  effect is a noun.  I probably don’t have to wonder, but I’ll wonder out loud anyway.

Did her ghostwriter actually say “It is a sad day in America when advancing freedom becomes a crime” in response to the accusation of Mueller being verbally abusive to a legislative employee?

With her defiance, I think we’re watching her dig a bigger hole for herself which is demanding that a Select Committee on Discipline be called in response.

6 thoughts on “Senator Julie Frye Mueller releases statement, portraying herself as a victim, claiming she is being persecuted for “advancing freedom.””

  1. Have you guys been following Matt Taibbi’s Twitter account wherein he’s releasing internal documents from Elon Musk regarding how the ‘demic was *ahem* managed?

    The lengths that people will go to not take responsibility is pretty astounding.

    If someone went around encouraging everyone to get “them”, I think those people would definitely not want to talk about that, at the present time given Taibbi’s publications on Twitter.

    Please don’t let yourselves get demoralized as we face these realities together (demoralization is the objective). Be strong.

    Strong enough to admit it when you’re wrong.

    Because of her track record in the face of criticism, I stand with the Senator.

    When I was studying Philosophy at The University of Arizona (I earned the degree), we looked at lots of philosophical paradoxes. Thought as a discipline really appealed to me, and these types of difficult problems were amazing to contemplate. I felt we could advance our understanding of our morality and ethics despite the fascistic overtones to everything in our country back the trying to prevent ethical analysis of any kind (~1995).

    One of those questions was, “do you have a moral obligation to prevent someone walking in front of a bus and being killed.”

    For me, the answer was YES.

    As most of you know, along with people like the Senator, I was screaming “look out!!!!” all through 2020 and even to present (although the issue is settled, the bus is deadly and could maim a person).

    To all of the brave people in SD who stood up against the obvious illusion, I want to give a heart felt thank you.

    To everyone harmed, I want to say my heart aches for you.

    To everyone involved, I’m reminded of the old Pace Picante commercials of a bygone era.

    Every day that goes by wherein the responsible parties do not admit to this atrocious mistake just makes the good guys angrier.

    Enough of this drama.

    Get back to work.


  2. Well written Mr. Daleq! I won’t add anything to dilute it.
    Now with regards to your last sentence, I’m allegedly retired so I DON’T HAVE TO!

  3. it’s puzzling why frye-mueller’s situation has escalated so quickly, but on the other hand, not surprised to see opportunists unloading every scrap of misinformation in the arsenal.

  4. Wow. Finally. After reading the comments from her district, I wonder why they elected her? Our forefather’s hope, I believe, is that the nation works as whole for the better of our nation. Our Republican party should work together for the better of South Dakota. The Republican party is split in South Dakota is sad. FM is one of those on the other side of the party. Perhaps she and her co-horts should read, and not interpret to their own devices, what the party stands for. Her lack of professionalism as a representative of her district and our state is deplorable. Well done Senate.

    1. Our Forefather’s hope was that we lived under the constraints of the state and US Constitutions. These people swore by an oath, they should live by that. As do her “cohorts”.

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