From the courtroom, Senator Randy Deibert apparently gets to relive his primary election again and again as his opponent keeps filing goofy election truther lawsuits.
Crowley v Deibert DISMISSED by Pat Powers on Scribd
You know what you’re in for when the first line in the decision from the court reads “This case is the fourth of five filed by Kate Crowley Johnson, in relation to her unsuccessful candidacy in the June 4, 2024, Republican Party primary for South Dakota Senate District 31. All five cases are premised, at least in part, on Crowley Johnson’s concerns with the automatic tabulating systems used by Lawrence County during the primary election..”
The court decision predictably closes on a note of “the only allegations Crowley Johnson has raised which could be construed as voting irregularities are observations that she received similar support across multiple precincts” Which goes to show you that there’s always a few people who make bad decisions in every precinct.. but that does not mean there is a conspiracy.
…why am I moving to D31, again..? For my wife’s employment. Yes, that’s it. Definitely not for the political scene.
Hmmm. I wonder where election denier Kate Crowley Johnson draws her inspiration? Oh yes, from none other than the guy at the top of the presidential ticket for the Republican party. Why is ANYBODY mystified about where this stuff is coming from??
It’s great that Pat and others are willing to call out these local whack jobs for exactly what they are. But so very sad that he’s unwilling to assign blame for their existence to the guy who inspires them all. Also even more sad that all three of our current congressional delegation will support the election denier-in-chief while secretly despising him. What a frickin’ mess.
What is equally mystifying is your apparent obsession with Donald Trump. I think they refer to that as TDS.
They’re not wrong though.
Lawrence Co is a hotbed for the crazy! But a good case study in the potential lifecycle of this far right circus…
First they ran off any normal, sane Republican voters from wanting to be involved in the party at all. Then they grabbed pitchforks and chased out all the good, longtime, dedicated Republicans who were trying to hold things together – volunteers and public servants, alike.
It’s a sad state of affairs, and so ironic that so much of their hate gets targeted towards Fitzgerald – after all she bred the crazy and rigorously encouraged animosity. But that’s the far right for you – they always, eventually, eat their own!
Feel bad for Randy – he’s a good guy and a good legislator, these crazies know no bounds and have no shame, I hope C-J gets the full smack down of the Lawrence Co Legal system!
LC/31 – it’s where all the action is!
I try to be friendly, functional, and constructive with people from all backgrounds/dispositions.
I learn a lot that way.
My opinion: The commission made a mistake in not advancing this issue to the people, then spending a really pretty penny on the county’s shiny new website, which will go around the block to end-up in basically the same place.
They most absolutely did not make a mistake. That petition blatantly violated stated and federal law. What is really sad is that not a single member of that group of crazies even has the slightest of abilities to admit it. The entailing lawsuits would have cost taxpayers an astronomical amount of money. While at the same time, cities are looking at a potentially huge revenue cut.