Senator Thune files statement of candidacy for 2022 US Senate Election. Primary Thune organizer claims they’re bigger than GOP.

It’s on.

South Dakota’s senior US Senator, John Thune, filed paperwork with the Federal Elections Commission yesterday declaring his candidacy for the US Senate seat he currently holds for the 2022 election:

This comes at about the same time that former GOP Congressional Candidate Bruce Whalen, who has taken up the mantle to try to gin up a primary challenge against Thune via facebook, is declaring that his group is bigger than the South Dakota Republican Party.

“We greatly outnumber the State GOP and can use our vast human potential to defeat Thune and hold the seat for any conservative candidate.” – Bruce W. Whalen.

I’m not sure what to say to that. Other than Ha ha hah ha ha ha ha.

He’s actually trying to base a challenge campaign for US Senate on Facebook likes.

Well, good luck with that one Bruce. You’re going to need it.

31 thoughts on “Senator Thune files statement of candidacy for 2022 US Senate Election. Primary Thune organizer claims they’re bigger than GOP.”

      1. Remember Georgia. How many will stay home this time rather than vote for him again?

        1. Look at the bright side: when South Dakotans prove you wrong and vote Thune in again, you’ve got an established playbook for denying the outcome and claiming it’s stolen. It’s like a head start!

  1. They must mean members on a social media site or something… sloppy messaging at best

  2. The Primary John Thune in 2022 group currently has 4,200 members in the very brief period since its inception. That is vastly more than the state party apparatus controlled by a handful of people that instead Republicans should control. The Primary John Thune in 2022 group are members of the Republican Party and we look forward to supporting the State GOP with electing the best representative for South Dakota. We just don’t think that is John Thune and the group is growing that no longer supports him.

    1. 2006 US House Elections in South Dakota
      Democratic Stephanie Herseth (incumbent) 230,468 69.09
      Republican Bruce W. Whalen 97,864 29.34
      Libertarian Larry Rudebusch 5,230 1.57

      Bruce, you couldn’t even muster 30% of the vote against a congresswoman who doesn’t have near the clout or campaign ability that Sen Thune Does. So stop it.

      Harry in Dumb and Dumber has a better chance at getting the girl than you do defeating John Thune. So just stop!

    2. Oh.. so you’re claiming you are supporting the SDGOP now, instead of attacking it as you have been for the last couple of months? Got it.

      Bruce, you’re backtracking on “We greatly outnumber the State GOP” pretty quickly.

  3. Bruce W was delusional when he ran years ago, and more delusional now. If he wants to run, he sure can, but he will go down as yet another loser to John Thune. I don’t know why he or anyone would want to waste their time tilting at windmills.

  4. The Primary Thune page is one fourth out of staters, a bunch of lurkers, and the rest QAnoners. And they’ve peaked. Two of their three administrators have left. Whalen provides half the comments and posts. He’s begging for them to cry out for him but they aren’t biting.

    They made a brief push for Tomi Lahren and Brock Lesnar to run. That’s the kind of geniuses we’re talking about. Tapio doesn’t even bother with them, though they’d jump on his toy train if he’s dumb enough to run.

    I’m hearing Trump may not even endorse a possible opponent and may even endorse Thune before all is said and done.

    1. Actually, they just opened up on sites such as parler and gab.. where their “thousands” of members were actually numbered at about 50 when I looked. It’s kind of embarrassing at this point.

  5. The primary Thune page has been stuck at 4,200 for a long time. It’s one fourth out of staters, a bunch of lurkers, and the rest QAnoners. Whalen provides half the posts and comments.

    They even pushed for Tomi Lahren and Brock Lesnar to run. That’s the kind of geniuses we’re talking about.

    I’m hearing Trump probably won’t endorse a primary candidate against Thune and may even endorse him before all is said and done.

  6. Thune is a RINO! There has to be a real patriot that we can get behind. Thune is not it. His time has come and Gone. Trump 2020!

  7. I think the best line in that post is “This group cannot manage a campaign.”

    Just in case there was any doubt.

  8. Thune has no place calling himself a conservative or prolife if he is going to confirm people like Merrick Garland. Thune may have fancy friends with deep wallets but regular South Dakotan citizens with common sense will not vote him back in. But then again more than half of our state thinks recreational weed is a good idea so maybe Thune is the perfect choice for a state that has lost its ability to think about things conservatively or rationally.

    1. As noted RINO (sarcasm) Charles Grassley said: “On paper, I don’t think that anyone would doubt Judge Garland is a good pick to lead the Department of Justice. His credentials are excellent, and he has a distinguished career of public service. Of all the possibilities to be President Biden’s Attorney General, it’s hard to come up with a better pick.

      “I don’t plan on opposing nominees just because of the person who nominated them, like many of my colleagues unfortunately did for the last four years. So even though I still have some concerns, I believe Judge Garland is a good man, and a good pick to lead the Department of Justice, so I will vote for his confirmation.”

      Like Grassley, I think Thune is leading by example. Voting against the bad ones and confirming good ones (or at least the best we’d get under this administration). Getting a worse nominee is not what we want.

      1. People who have committed themselves to the destruction of children in the womb up to and including the day of their birth. That is what “people like Merrick Garland” are.

  9. I have clients all over SD nd have been precinct committeeman for over 50 years. I haven’t heard a single one who less not support Sen Thune it I’ll be fun to watch this bloodbath

    1. And if you get your wish for more of Thune than you can enjoy living with more government control and less freedom. As for me love liberty more than cash, but no doubt there are lots of rich friends of Thune who benefit from the porkbarrel legislation he claims to dislike but always votes for.

  10. I am not delusional enough to think any candidate, Republican or Democrat, is going to seriously challenge John Thune’s re-election. However, I will acknowledge that in all of John’s years of service in both the U.S. House and U.S. Senate, I have never witnessed so many South Dakotans truly disappointed in his representation of them. Senator Thune needs to remember it is his responsibility to represent South Dakota in Congress and not to represent Congress in South Dakota.

    1. It’s also not his responsibility to Represent a man who’s no longer in office, that honestly really didn’t do that much for South Dakota. I will go fact for fact otherwise.

      The best accomplishments weren’t even really done by 45, but by Congress, and including Senator Thune: ie – farm bill, tax reform, USMCA, etc.

      Let’s call a spade a spade, and put the fringe right out there with ANTIFA so we, in the working middle, can watch the stupidity, not be held up by it.

      1. Thune had NOTHING and I mean NOTHING to do with the USMCA. That was all Trump and his team leading the way. I was SHOCKED congress passed it frankly. Just because he voted for it he didn’t lift one finger to help on it. For 30+ years both sides of the Isle enjoyed and reaped the benefits of our jobs being sent to Mexico why China shipped in cheap products via Mexico had them assembled and shipped across the boarder Tariff free. I believe Ross Perot famously said “you hear that sucking sound, thats the sound of all our jobs be sucked away”. He was correct in his assessment.

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