Senator Thune on Obama’s Legacy – Already Collapsing

South Dakota’s US Senator John Thune had a column on the National Review website yesterday which pinned down a major problem with what President Obama’s legacy will be. That he really doesn’t have one, because almost none of it was written into law:

John_Thune,_official_portrait,_111th_CongressLast week, President Obama delivered his final State of the Union address. In the lead-up to the speech, there was a lot of discussion about the nature of the president’s legacy. Less discussed, however, was that most of the president’s so-called legacy may not outlast his presidency, since most of his supposed achievements have never been enacted into law.

Early on in his presidency, it became clear that the president didn’t have much interest in working with Congress in a bipartisan manner, and after losing large majorities in the House and Senate, he made it clear that he did not want to listen to the American people, who had overwhelmingly rejected his far-left agenda. His determination to circumvent Congress and ignore the American people has not only been an affront to the democratic process and an attack on the balance of power our Founding Fathers envisioned, it has also failed as a strategy for securing long-lasting achievements.

As a result of his contempt for Congress and his unwillingness to engage with the legislative process, the vast majority of the items that make up the president’s “legacy” — including the national energy tax, executive amnesty, and the flawed Iran deal — are not actual laws. Instead, the president’s legacy is largely made up of regulations, executive actions, and executive agreements, most of which can be easily overturned by the next administration.

Read the entire article here at National Review!

Now, I have to disagree with Senator Thune a little. (Yes, mark that on your calendar). I think President Obama did manage to secure a somewhat positive legacy for himself.

Why? Because President Obama has managed to improve the historical view of the presidency of Jimmy Carter as the worst president in modern history by bumping Carter up one place from that bottom spot, and inserting himself as the new title holder of the worst president.

You should always look on the bright side.

24 thoughts on “Senator Thune on Obama’s Legacy – Already Collapsing”

  1. That’s why it is imperative that the Rep. win the White House–so that all these executive actions can be overturned on day one.

    Jan 21, 2017: Let’s move MLK day to Jan 21, 2017–REAL Freedom day.

  2. I’m not a huge fan of Mr. Obama by any means, but I have to make a point.

    Senator Thune states in his column
    “Early on in his presidency, it became clear that the president didn’t have much interest in working with Congress in a bipartisan manner”

    Yes, I agree with that.

    But there is blame on both sides. A well documented meeting of key Republican leaders on his first inauguration night occurred in which they decided to oppose the administration on every issue. this is covered in Robert Draper’s book “Do Not Ask What Good We Do”

    “If you act like you’re the minority, you’re going to stay in the minority,” Draper quotes Kevin McCarthy as saying. “We’ve gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign.”

  3. Dream on, haybillies. That’s textbook “loser’s lament”, Senator. President Obama has been the most productive and progressive leader since FDRoosevelt and the New Deal. His list of accomplishments is well known to the loser Republican obstructionists so let’s just put the next candle on our Big Blue Cake, hmmm?
    ~ NYTimes • Combating “dark money.”
    President Obama is seriously considering an executive order that would require companies doing business with the federal government to disclose their political contributions.
    It’s an attempt to stem the tide of corporate donations that began with the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling in 2010, which allowed companies and labor unions to give unlimited sums.

    1. PorterHouse –

      Why don’t you go eat something? Eating looks like a skill you might be well versed in.

      Because your political analysis stinks.

    2. Comrade Lansing, Your idea of Obama’s success would better fit your idol Putin under the old Soviet style economic plan. Chrysler was bailed out and will most likely not survive the next economic downturn which is cyclical and expected to be fall 2016. Fiat which purchased Chrysler for an absolute bargain courtesy of the US taxpayers is a company that should of died long ago which has been supported by the Italian government.

      GM which was also bailed by US taxpayers to save US jobs will begin producing Buicks for export to the US. Obama bails them out for jobs in China?

      His foreign policy has been mess with that red line he drew in Syria.


      1. You have issues, man. Who are you MORE afraid of. Russians, Muslims, immigrants or minorities?

      1. Diet soda is best when used as an expectorant. See John Thune’s new childhood nutrition regulations.

    3. By using the term “haybillies” are you trying to portray yourself as some sophisticated, elite individual? Is that just because you wear a bowtie, because I sure don’t see anything special about you in your posts. You are typical of the progressives who seem to desire a dictatorship; is that because you can’t seem to run your own lives and need big government to help you out?

      The hatred for freedom, goodness, and responsibility exhibited by you and your ilk is astounding.

  4. Why do you care what we think here? Why waste your time on us hillbillies?
    The states finances are in the top 10 in the country along with our bond rating. Our un-employment is low and our taxes are low. You left. We’re better for it as liberalism is a terrible brain to waste.

      1. Please, share why you care?
        Why waste your time on us?
        I don’t get why you visit and post here?

  5. Thune is right. Obama’s legacy can be dismissed in a moment with a stroke of a pen. His only legislative accomplishments collapse under their own weight. His legacy is a damaged economy, fewer jobs, downgraded credit rating, debt, a weaker military, being outmaneuvered and bullied by all our national rivals, and increased racial animosity.

    But, hey enriched his friends (Buffet) and made Republicans a majority. So he has that going for him.

      1. Participation rate doesn’t matter? 90,000,000 out of work doesn’t matter. Highest un-employment rate among African Americans, doesn’t matter. Fewest business startups. Make argument for the future, Obamas legacy is written in sand.

  6. Then who’s fault is it now? When does Obama own it or anything for that matter? Childish snide remarks is all you have.

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