Senator Thune pushes for 60 minutes to release full Kamala Harris Interview

US Senator John Thune is taking on the CBS News monolith, and noting that they should be honest with the American people in the interview with Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris that they promoted to the world:

Controversy erupted after “60 Minutes” published remarks from Harris in a promotional video of her interview with the show that did not match what she stated when the interview aired.

Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-ND) told The Daily Wire: “If the Harris campaign stands by all of the vice president’s comments, then I’m not sure why they wouldn’t support releasing the full interview.”

“In fact, their refusal to join these calls only raises more questions,” he added.

Read the entire story here on the Daily Wire.

CBS News should release the tapes.

13 thoughts on “Senator Thune pushes for 60 minutes to release full Kamala Harris Interview”

  1. fishing expedition smokescreen dissembling look-away-from-our-nutjob-candidate bs. the major problem republicans really have with vp harris is her good clear message, clear aims and abilities, and her widespread appeal. this list is a list of things trump greatly lacks. we’re about to see the boat anchor drag trump gives to the gop in this election. hope that election-dump / supreme court – u.s. house hail-mary that trump needs, works out for you all. i don’t know how that one helps the downballot races.

    1. All I know is:

      1) Trump is outpolling all the GOP swing state Senate candidates and the Democrat Senate candidates are outpolling Harris.

      2) All the swing Senate GOP candidates are appearing with Trump while none of the Dem Senate will appear with Harris.

      You people are going to really melt down on Election Night.

  2. LMFAO. How about Thune insist that Trump sit for the fact checked 60 Minutes interview that he initially agreed to — just like every other presidential candidate for the past 50 years– and THEN insist that the full interview for BOTH candidates be released? Give us an effing break, Senator.

    Oh and while you’re at it, how about insisting that Trump release his medical records — just like every other presidential candidate for the past 50 years? Maybe those bone spurs have healed up by now and everything’s perfect? Isn’t it amazing that the rules of the road and laws of the land always apply to Harris and all the rest of us, but they NEVER apply to Trump?

    Trump is quite a guy, isn’t he? He has NEVER lost an election, a golf match or any other contest that he has ever entered. A lot like his dear friend Putin. What an incredible role model for Toby Doeden, Mark “Black Nazi” Robinson, Leah Anderson, et al, PLUS all of your children and grandchildren. Cheers to you, Senator.

  3. Just another meaningless statement from nevertrumper Senator Beanpole. He’s flip-flopped so many times on trump that you might as well throw a dart at a dartboard to get his latest position on trump. After trump acolyte and hopeful trump administration member Govenor Kristi torched her political career so spectacularly, someone should tell Senator Thune (or Mitch McConnel’s boy) as trump refers to him, he doesn’t need to keep buttkissing for an inside track. It’s embarassing.

    1. He’s up for reelection in 2028, so you have plenty of time to fundraise and get on the ballot to challenge him.

  4. Senator, other than being a short mans long shadow, you disappeared for the 4 years that Trump was President. Does being the Republican leader of the Senate mean so much to you that you will sell your pride and soul to Trump?

    1. Muskrat, You are exactly why Trump got the nomination and will return to the White House. After every knee jerk reaction against everything Trump, those who liked some/most of his policies decided to quit listening to your ilk.

      Live with it. Your arrogance and stupidity is why you will again have Trump as your President.

      1. That wasn’t a bad post until you made the personal attack. Reminded me of a second-grade bully on the playground.

        1. Once you arrogantly decide to arrogantly nothing positive about Trump or his policies, you do stupid things like knee jerk reactions and quit using your brain.

          Stupid, arrogant and deeply unaware of one’s bias and prejudice.

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