She’s still in the Constitution Party, isn’t she? Hubbelcraft still flying.

I’m just hoping she’s still chair of the Constitution Party, because Lora sounds like she’s as far off the rails as she’s ever been:

32 thoughts on “She’s still in the Constitution Party, isn’t she? Hubbelcraft still flying.”

  1. The Hubblecraft has made stops in Mitchell where a candidate for city council if elected will add more chaos there. Hubblemania has spread to Brown County with threats around every corner.

    1. OK Anonymous…wish you would at least reveal your name…Oh well, just curious, but what does Hubblecraft refer too? You also stated that if I get elected to the city council, I will add more chaos there? Could you please explain? What chaos is going on? And Pat, doesn’t Lora have a right to comment and defend herself against these accusations? I think it would only be fair if you allowed her to comment. Thanks. You can discuss issues and disagree without demeaning people. When she announces her run for Governor, are you going to keep her blocked?

        1. she will friend you. She said she can’t block you if you aren’t her friend.

          1. It WAS a brilliant comeback by Tara, because it’s true. I just have a hard time getting excited about blogs that have a readership of less than 35 people

              1. Hey Pat, your readership is going to skyrocket now that Lora is back….Thanks again.

              2. See Pat, as I look at the chart, March 21st, Lora brought in the highest ratings. Great marketing —-YES.

                1. If people want to hear what I have to say, I will be on Facebook (my personal page, I have not returned to the political FB site yet), its open to the public. I only have psychos blocked and I will remove posts that will embarrass the author when they get sober.

                  1. I wonder if Lora will remove posts that will embarrass her if she ever gets her train back on the rails.

  2. CAIR is a front for Hamas, a known Islamic terrorist organization. Anyone who has worked for CAIR should not be trusted.

    1. Xenophobia.

      I served with Muslims in the military when Reagan was president. They were educated and were going to work in Army Intelligence. One escaped with his family from Iran after the Shah fell. They were no different than anyone else in how they treated others. Actually had plenty of experiences with those who are Muslim before and after 9/11 including those from East Africa. Polite, incredibly hard working and pursuing the American Dream. Unfortunately I see history repeating itself in how different groups are looked upon by some. Reaching out and education is key but then we must hold those accountable for their actions like anyone also.

      1. Do they come out against Sharia Law that believes in killing women and gays. If Islam is a peaceful religion, than why isn’t there peace in the middle east?

        1. Lets put it this way. I never even really thought of them as Muslims but rather just normal individuals until this Xenophobia came up. I would ask them questions the same as a Catholic would ask a Methodist about the differences in their faith. I would get into historical conversations with my friends who grew up in the fertile mountains of Morocco that were Berber as in Berber carpets and their experiences working in Spain and France before opening an incredible café in the Twin Cities offering exceptional value and taste.

          We talked about Spain when it was under Muslim control hundreds of years ago and how all the faiths peacefully coexisted and thrived there. If anything it was the Muslims who gave each other a hard time then. Science, trade and the arts thrived at that time.

          My friends worked their tails off to build that business and gave much to the community in return. They and other Muslims I have known and there are plenty have had nothing to do with a very small minority in the total number of worldwide Muslims that has twisted their faith into extremist hate.

          Peace in the Middle East? That is sure complicated! The Colonial powers did not help by redrawing maps after WW1 but it has an area of conflict for a long time.

          1. SO then they denounce Sharia law and believe Muslim women should be able to dress like American women and are ok with gays?

            1. Your question shows how much you do not know about a Religion and generalizes all who practice that faith. Please make an effort to reach our to a variety of those who are Muslim and try to learn in a sincere and respectful way.

        2. I am grateful our ancestors did not have to deal with todays social media, radio and TV programs that are more about getting people riled by misrepresenting the truth and hype for the sake of getting advertising revenue and entertainment then actual news. Those ancestors had it tough enough in getting past prejudice from the Irish, Italians, Jews, Eastern Europeans, Chinese and Germans when they came to America. They probably would of wiped out our Native brothers and sisters given the demonization that goes on today with social media and fake news.

  3. My question was, will they denounce Sharia law, and killing people if the leave the Muslim religion. Will they not stone women that want to live the western lifestyle, like wearing a swimsuit and dressing American. Will they be ok having neighbors that are gay? Please don’t call this disrespectful. Just want my questions answered.

    1. What do you think about the questions you asked? Seriously? The comments at 8:48am will help you find the answers but you need to put a little effort into it rather than read fake news and believe in myths about an entire Religion. Do you live near a city where there are Muslims? A college professor? Physician? business owners? Do you travel within the United States or abroad?

      You may wish to check out the Muslim Marine He need to come to South Dakota and visit a few cities like Sioux falls, Aberdeen and a few others.

    2. Btw! I worked with refugees from the Bosnian War at an Automotive Supplier assembly plant. I did not even though they were Muslim or from Bosnia until they told me. The Serbs tried to wipe them out. They dressed like anyone else, had neighbors that were Gay, were fun to work with and were incredibly hard workers on the assembly line.

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