So, the Democrats had a debate last night…

… and I hear it was quite the show.  And New-Agey Democrat Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson is topping the trending Google searches, and Twitter traffic this AM.

16 thoughts on “So, the Democrats had a debate last night…”

    1. You mean, Harris-Sanders 2020 and bust. Anybody who would vote for those two is anti-America. If you hate this country that much, why not move to a ready-made Socialist country and stop trying to change America?

      1. I changed my mind on Hickenlooper. He sold us out to the oil and gas industries.

  1. Anybody who takes anything Sarah Silverman says seriously is a moron.

    There is not a good person in the whole Democrat field. They all hate America and none of them have any integrity. They would all like to turn America into a Socialist country and that is just plain wrong. They are trying to out-looney each other.

    1. Retweeting (and posting) is not endorsing. As commenter one said “just….cant….look….away…..” as I get the giggles listening to the lunacy that represents the Democrat candidates for President.

      You just can’t make this stuff up.

  2. grudznick is welcome on the moon base but he cannot be a Lansing. He is and always will be a Murphy. He may have an identity issue but that’s his personal problem.
    FTR – Lansing chooses Hickenlooper. Why wouldn’t you? He won every election for 16 years by winning every moderate Republican voter. CO is number one and America can be, too.

    1. There goes my memory again. I changed my mind on Hickenlooper because he was too close to the oil and gas industry and sold us out. This is not the time to backstroke and be a German from Volga.

      Harris – Sanders 2020 or bust. The DNC will not sabotage my vote again.

      $15.00 minimum wage. It should be $20.00 but it is a start.
      Decriminalize those who cross our borders. Channel Reagan by tearing down that wall and open our borders.
      Free College
      Free Healthcare
      End Prohibition of all drugs, tax, regulate, expunge records, reparations for them too.

      CO is number one and I smoke it every day.

  3. If Donald Trump would have run on the Democrat ticket and won, the Democrats would love him and the Republicans would despise him.

      1. I agree with Dave. Dems would never have given Trump the 2016 nomination, nor would enough dems have supported him to achieve victory in 2016. Once upon a time maybe. In a bygone era. Not now. The party of Jackson and JFK has changed a lot over the last 25 years.

        Yet, I suspect Tara’s *main* point is that if Trump somehow were a dem president, dems would find a way to rationalize away every misstep, justify every statement, and blame the ‘vast right wing conspiracy’ for every sin, just as the dems did with Clinton and Obama. There’s some truth in that, I’ll admit.

  4. Good satire, Moon Base II. We true conservatives know none of those things (reparations? geez) will win in America. Dem’s are taking the middle ground because it’s been wholly abandoned by Trump supporters. But, you funny and we like it.
    PS … Hick is very close to oil and gas. He’s a geologist.
    PSS … the pot in Canada is better than CO

  5. Sen John Kennedy of Louisiana recently said

    this election is simple




    1. During the last election, I spoke to a group of “progressive” college students. I said, “What if we forgive all student loan debt… but we restrict the program to those who graduate more than five years from today?”

      NOOO! Several shouted. Unjust! Why should we be forced repay OUR debt if younger kids get free college? Just so wrong…

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