(Someone tell D3 Legislators) Trump reveals 20 Billion investment into Midwest Data Centers

Someone tell the District 3 legislators – President Trump announced today that an investor is going to be putting at least $20 Billion into data centers in the midwest.

Instead of showing up at meetings against data centers, maybe the legislators need to do their job and try to capture some of that investment for our state? Just sayin’

6 thoughts on “(Someone tell D3 Legislators) Trump reveals 20 Billion investment into Midwest Data Centers”

  1. Don’t bother D3 legislators with things this trivial.

    They are only concerned about stopping pipelines and other economic development.

    1. Being the annual chief authors of culture war bills and will be pushing taxpayer funded vouchers for church schools. Meanwhile more good paying jobs leave Aberdeen, College closes, companies close down or move and Aberdeen is in decline with poor water quality.

  2. I live in Aberdeen. These legislative minions are ridiculous. I hope we can get together and fix this mess. When Dumpster Fire goes down we are going to have a huge mess to clean up. Maybe he should be called a toxic waste dump instead!

  3. The Dumpster Fire Caucus opposes every Republican official and party member not a part of their minority clique and declare them RINOs, including President Trump, all while claiming to be “The TRUE Conservatives.

  4. They’re against Trump – time to vote them out!

    Self-important Perry and Brainiac Brandei: just when we think you can’t get more embarrassing, you go and do it! Session hasn’t even started yet, can’t wait to see what gems await!

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