South Dakota Republican Party Chairman Dan Lederman files campaign finance complaint against Smith for Governor

South Dakota Republican Party Chairman Dan Lederman files campaign finance complaint against Smith for Governor

UNION COUNTY – Today, South Dakota Republican Party Chairman Dan Lederman filed a complaint with the South Dakota Secretary of State against Jamie Smith’s campaign. The complaint is regarding Smith for Governor’s more than 1,500 campaign finance violations in the Pre-General report last night. Smith for Governor failed to include the addresses, cities, and states of donors in each of these 1,500 instances.

“Each omission is a plain violation of basic, long standing, and well-settled campaign finance requirements, and each is a criminal act,” Chairman Lederman states in his complaint. “Given the importance of guaranteeing integrity in our constitutional election process, we are requesting immediate relief.

Last night, the Kristi for Governor campaign called for an immediate investigation into Jamie Smith’s campaign finance violations.

The complaint calls for two remedies from the South Dakota Secretary of State’s office:

  • Commence a contested case pursuant to chapter 1-26 against Smith for Governor; and
  • Refer the complaint to the Division of Criminal Investigation for an investigation pursuant to chapter 23-3.


15 thoughts on “South Dakota Republican Party Chairman Dan Lederman files campaign finance complaint against Smith for Governor”

  1. Dan is doing his duty as Chair and this is a typical tactic, but no one for a second thinks this is a real issue

  2. Honestly – to this old Republican, they are acting like Noem is in danger of losing this race.

  3. He has 7 days to fix the error before a law is broken. You would know that from the liberal blog where Cory even criticizes team Smith about other things in the filing. You won’t get that kind of analysis here, especially if it involves a republican. Where is Mr Higgins when you need him?

  4. Continuing to pander for CO2 pipelines, and shaking down Republican County Commissioners, how is Dan Lederman still the party chair?

      1. Of course you would be screaming and weeping if it were Noem doing this. You would demand the death penalty for her, but of course, since it is a Democrat, let;s blame the Republicans.

  5. Candidate for Governor is all in for Marijuana and has one big sloppy mess for campaign finance reports. Who’s doing these reports a bunch of stoners? Why a I not surprised?

  6. Next thing you know Smith will be lobbying with the Saudis and supporting election deniers for state office.

    Oh, no no wait never mind.

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