South Dakota socialist/democrat blog writer & Bernie bro claiming he loves humanity, while shockingly exhibiting a lack of it.

This might be the most horrible thing I’ve read this week. And it’s a good indicator why the left is dying in the state.  Blog author, South Dakota democrat/socialist, and Bernie-bro John Michael Glanzer of Brookings authors a blog “The South Dakota Worker” where he writes to shed “light on both national and local news from a socialist and dialectical perspective.”

Unfortunately, the young socialist and blog author Mr. Glanzer appears to have shed his humanity along with his capitalist beliefs in a recent facebook post sent to me where he was not only chortling over the tragic passing of State Representative Bob Glanzer from the COVID-19 virus, but seemingly wishing similar harm on all Republicans for… well simply for being Republicans.

For someone claiming “I am a socialist because I love humanity,” it would not appear that he’s found any humanity as he practices socialism or being a Bernie-bro.

17 thoughts on “South Dakota socialist/democrat blog writer & Bernie bro claiming he loves humanity, while shockingly exhibiting a lack of it.”

  1. John Glanzer, those are troubling comments you made about the late Bob Glanzer. I hope you have a change of heart. Bob would forgive you for those hurtful comments.

  2. That is one sick person. I unfortunately believe that there are more on the left that believe. It’s those slip ups like this that Pelosi and others do. Cory H was similarly hateful as well as Clesn Cut Kid.
    I’m not surprised.

    1. No, Nancy and Hamburglar have their own collections of horrendous, stupid, anti-American, anti-freedom, anti-decency comments and posts. This little ratbag owns this, and it’s a shame he has to live in America-Russia or China would welcome this jerk with open arms.

  3. John Glanzer demonstrates the classic behavior of the toxic Bernie Bro culture despised by traditional mainstream Democrats, Independents and Republicans. Cory and his ilk over at DFP are the same.

  4. He’s 22 years old with no education and likely no future. Personally I think you did him a favor by even mentioning this clown.

  5. Young Glanzer’s crude comment has less to do with his political philosophy than his immaturity and attitude. Unfortunately, his crude comment is being used by some as a representation of those who are Democrats or liberals. Assigning young Glanzer’s crudeness to others in the Democrat Part is like assigning the crudeness of skinheads or racists or selfish polluters to all in the Republican Party. That’s a misguided and simplistic generalization. Unfortunately, too many are embracing accusations based on easy divisiveness. I may vote Democrat, like young Glanzer, but I abhor his mean-spirited approach to pigeonholing people.

  6. Mr. PP, the blogging you have a blue link to says it is a “known dangerous website.” Did young Mr. Glanzer cut it down after his immature and ignorant bloggings out of embarrassment and having his whole community chastise him or leave garbage in his yard?

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