Speaking of Dusty Johnson… I’m seeing signs of the future.

Speaking of Dusty Johnson, I went to the Dusty Johnson fundraiser in Brookings a few days ago where they were handing out Dusty Johnson for Congress signs.  And there’s something different about the newest batch.

Comparing the new signs to the ones from last election, notice anything different?

The newest signs don’t have an office on them.

Maybe so thrifty South Dakotans can use them in the next election and they’re keeping options open at the moment?

Stay tuned.

19 thoughts on “Speaking of Dusty Johnson… I’m seeing signs of the future.”

      1. Of course Mr. Anonymous understands that grudznick is a founding member of the Rhoden Rhangers, however I fear that Mr. Dusty might overcome such a situation as you describe in your typed words. Mr. Dusty vs. Mr. Rhoden is like Spiderman vs. the Superman. The Batman vs. Captain America. Antman vs. That Otherbugman. It would be epic.

        And if the libbies trotted out someone other than Ms. Wismer, the Republicans could be in trouble.

  1. Trump likes winning. When one candidate (Dusty) has a major polling and money lead in a primary, Trump is Highly, highly unlikely to endorse against him.

    1. a friend recently told me that noem, thune, johnson and rounds were shameless lackeys for trump, and i told my friend, you’re being awfully hard on rounds dontcha think.

    2. I guess he’d have to have a polling lead. I think Jackley, Rhoden and Dusty all start in a statistical tie.

  2. “Dusty” has fairly solid support in the Pierre area, not so much elsewhere. In whatever office he seeks to run for, it will most definitely NOT be an easy race for him. People want a Fighter, not a “Go along to get along” person and, assuming Trump wins, “Dusty” will always be reminded of his Vote AGAINST the Wall.

    1. “No solid support”. Hah. If that were the case the why didn’t he have a primary challenger? Why did he kick Wacky Taffy’s butt?

      Anyone who says that Dusty isn’t popular, then provides no proof is just another blustering all hat no cattle fool.

      1. The fact that “Dusty” isn’t popular among a large swath of South Dakotans is evident from the 2020 Election results. In 2020 John Thune was supported by 72% of the Voters and Ms. Noem garned the support of 76% of the voters. “Dusty” failed to receive even 60% of support from South Dakotans. And it ain’t getting any better.

        There you have it, without the hat.

          1. My fault. I was referring to the 2020 Primary result Johnson v. Taffy Howard. My point and IMHO Johnson is very vulnerable to a solid Republican conservative with name recognition; not so much to all the weak Democrats.

    2. johnson didn’t vote against the “wall”, he objected to trump’s misuse of process, which is a legitimate thing republicans used to complain about. trump has driven that nasty independent streak from inside the party so don’t worry about rep. johnson, or any other republican opposing trump at this late date.

      1. “Small government” they say.. “Eliminate all barriers to unilateral executive action” they also say. Almost like MAGA has zero guiding principles apart from power.

  3. Dusty is a leader, a fighter, and a stalwart for the Constitution .*

    *. He has never voted for against the wall. This vote was a vote for the Constitutions separation of powers, in particular that appropriations originate in the House, approved by the Senate and signed by the President.

    Just as we cheered the Supreme Court voiding unconstitutional expenditures and transfers of funds, we should similarly cheer Dusty preventing an unconstitutional transfer of funds in the walk.

    If one cheers one unconstitutional expenditure and condemns another, they still aren’t loyal to the Constituiton. Be like Trump and admit his proposal was illicit. Don’t be like Biden and support the undercutting of the Constitution, lest we lose it.

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