Spearfish indy candidate not just a run of the mill crackpot, but a drive the crazy-car off the cliff anti-vaxxer.

Was doing some candidate research tonight on candidates out west, and good gosh. One of the indy candidates running isn’t just a run of the mill crackpot, but a drive the crazy-car off the cliff one.

Shana McVickers, an independent candidate running in District 31, where I anticipate I’ll be living in the next couple of years, is a member of the new class of candidates running who seems to have gleaned everything she knows from the internet… and mainly the bad parts.  With a mix of philosophies from the left, right, and whatever Elon Musk is tweeting about at the moment, I’m not sure where she stands. What have I found about this Indy candidate’s stances on the issues from perusing social media?

  • Pro-IM29 advocate
  • Pro-choice on abortion
  • Election machine conspiracist
  • Claims the government is poisoning our air, water, and food
  • Says Pharmaceuticals are “poison”
  • Alludes to claim that Hurricane Helene was “engineered” via High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program waves.
  • Says lead paint was stopped because it “blocks radio frequency,”  because RF waves are useful to control people.…?

Wait.. what? It’s like the farther you go back on her social media the loonier things get.

And then there’s one item which really got me going.  Same thing that convinced me that Lee Qualm is unfit to be elected to a darn thing ever again (no, besides his family’s lawsuit against him helping himself) :

Shaina McVickers is part of the nutball crowd trying to claim that vaccines cause autism. Ugh. They didn’t before the sole falsified study that claimed it, and no study since has been able to prove a connection, no matter how much life the internet gives the claim.

As a parent of a child.. well now a young lady with autism, it’s just damned offensive, and does a disservice to the science that’s kept people safe from childhood diseases like polio, measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, etcetera that have killed hundreds of thousands, and unfortunately, are making a comeback because of crackpots like Shana McVickers.

When you see people with views like these? They are just unfit for any office, whether they are running as a Republican, Democrat, or in this case, an Independent.  We need reasonable candidates with life experience to serve the people of their communities in office. We don’t need people who spend too much time on their phones reading meme’s, crackpot theories, and other crazy sh*t and regurgitating it like some mentally defective sheep.

Keep the crackpots out of Pierre. We have too much trouble in getting things done as it is.

4 thoughts on “Spearfish indy candidate not just a run of the mill crackpot, but a drive the crazy-car off the cliff anti-vaxxer.”

  1. She claimed on the Rumble interview for candidates that she is a Libertarian. Why does she not run as that? It would be much easier.

    Big time Marijuana enthusiast and worked for 10 years to get it legalized in Alabama and works at a pot shop

  2. Pro-abortion, pro-pot and lives with a sex offender, it’s hilarious that Representative Oddenbach is supporting her.

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