Spearfish indy candidate not just a run of the mill crackpot, but a drive the crazy-car off the cliff anti-vaxxer.

Was doing some candidate research tonight on candidates out west, and good gosh. One of the indy candidates running isn’t just a run of the mill crackpot, but a drive the crazy-car off the cliff one.

Shana McVickers, an independent candidate running in District 31, where I anticipate I’ll be living in the next couple of years, is a member of the new class of candidates running who seems to have gleaned everything she knows from the internet… and mainly the bad parts.  With a mix of philosophies from the left, right, and whatever Elon Musk is tweeting about at the moment, I’m not sure where she stands. What have I found about this Indy candidate’s stances on the issues from perusing social media?

  • Pro-IM29 advocate
  • Pro-choice on abortion
  • Election machine conspiracist
  • Claims the government is poisoning our air, water, and food
  • Says Pharmaceuticals are “poison”
  • Alludes to claim that Hurricane Helene was “engineered” via High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program waves.
  • Says lead paint was stopped because it “blocks radio frequency,”  because RF waves are useful to control people.…?

Wait.. what? It’s like the farther you go back on her social media the loonier things get.

And then there’s one item which really got me going.  Same thing that convinced me that Lee Qualm is unfit to be elected to a darn thing ever again (no, besides his family’s lawsuit against him helping himself) :

Shaina McVickers is part of the nutball crowd trying to claim that vaccines cause autism. Ugh. They didn’t before the sole falsified study that claimed it, and no study since has been able to prove a connection, no matter how much life the internet gives the claim.

As a parent of a child.. well now a young lady with autism, it’s just damned offensive, and does a disservice to the science that’s kept people safe from childhood diseases like polio, measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, etcetera that have killed hundreds of thousands, and unfortunately, are making a comeback because of crackpots like Shana McVickers.

When you see people with views like these? They are just unfit for any office, whether they are running as a Republican, Democrat, or in this case, an Independent.  We need reasonable candidates with life experience to serve the people of their communities in office. We don’t need people who spend too much time on their phones reading meme’s, crackpot theories, and other crazy sh*t and regurgitating it like some mentally defective sheep.

Keep the crackpots out of Pierre. We have too much trouble in getting things done as it is.

38 thoughts on “Spearfish indy candidate not just a run of the mill crackpot, but a drive the crazy-car off the cliff anti-vaxxer.”

  1. She claimed on the Rumble interview for candidates that she is a Libertarian. Why does she not run as that? It would be much easier.

    Big time Marijuana enthusiast and worked for 10 years to get it legalized in Alabama and works at a pot shop

  2. Pro-abortion, pro-pot and lives with a sex offender, it’s hilarious that Representative Oddenbach is supporting her.

  3. There is a more substantive critique that can be made.

    All the cool kids think we can or should hand count in one form or another. You must have missed the memo. 🙂

    Regarding the jab issue, welp .. the worlds most published cardiologist, the inventor of the technology, and the author of anti-biowarfare legislation approved by Congress unanimously and signed by Bush II all agree about the dubious circumstances surrounding it.

    Recently President Trump just landed a yuge endorsement .. RFK has very compelling research linking jabs to bad outcomes.

    I think this post reveals a lot about the audience here.

    Are you really a good fit for LC?


    1. Dale, let’s get real here. The idea that hand-counting ballots is somehow the superior method is a total joke. Hand-counting is slow, prone to human error, and completely inefficient for modern elections. And by the way, the 2020 election wasn’t stolen. It’s been investigated, recounted, and litigated. Every credible source has confirmed that it was fair and secure, including Trump appointed judges who threw out baseless lawsuits.

      Now, let’s talk about voting machines. You’re throwing shade at them, but Dominion Voting Systems, the company behind these machines, actually sued Fox News and won a huge settlement for spreading lies about voter fraud. You know why? Because the claims against them were total nonsense. Voting machines aren’t connected to the internet, so the idea that someone could hack them remotely is just another conspiracy with no basis in reality. Election officials from both parties have vouched for the integrity of these machines. Dominion’s equipment has been vetted for security over and over again. That’s why all these lawsuits about rigged machines keep getting thrown out of court.

      And you bring up RFK Jr. and his “compelling research”? Please. RFK Jr. has been spreading debunked anti-vaccine garbage for years. The claim that vaccines cause autism was based on one fraudulent study that was retracted. No legitimate scientist or researcher supports that theory today. He’s not a serious voice in this conversation he’s a loud anti-vaxxer who’s done real damage by fueling paranoia.

      You throw in the “world’s most published cardiologist” and “the inventor of the technology” agreeing with you. Nice try, but cherry-picking fringe voices doesn’t hold up against the overwhelming consensus of the global medical community. Vaccines have been rigorously tested and proven to be safe and effective in preventing severe illness and death from COVID-19. Just because you find a couple of people with credentials doesn’t mean they’re right when the vast majority of experts say otherwise.

      And let’s be honest, you’re pushing conspiracy theories that have been debunked time and time again. You’re not here for facts or serious debate; you’re here to promote fringe ideas that have already been dismantled in court and in the scientific community. Maybe it’s time to step out of the echo chamber and look at the overwhelming evidence that contradicts everything you’re saying. You’re not making a serious argument; you’re just parroting the same old misinformation that’s already been torn apart.

      1. What’s comical is that this window licker has started posting in vague, grandiose language and he clearly considers himself some sort of visionary. You can tell the attention he is getting from other loons is pushing him further into this hole.

        1. Dale is a pseudo-intellectual, mediocre, arrogant creep who posts here to drive traffic to his failed grifter blog. It’s always the same smug, repetitive, contrarian, and logically flawed nonsense, along with pathetic attempts at twisting the narrative, usually to the tune of ‘but it is you who are truly the fascists.’ He can’t back up anything he spouts. Of course he defends McVickers as they are both town pariahs.

  4. I’ve been jabbed more times than I can count. A sore shoulder and some brief flu like symptoms are all I can report. COVID will kill me. I’m sticking with the scientists and doctors not nut cases like RFK.

    1. You’re in the 15% who are still getting that “vaccine” then. Who exactly are the nut cases?

  5. Only here you can get information about this and the dumpster fire. Democracy is saved.

  6. Scott Odenbach is doing mailings for and with this “unique” lady that he shares an ideology with. Would be interesting to hear his version of why this “unusual” candidate would be good for South Dakota*

    [editor’s note – Scott specifically denies doing any mailings for anyone than himself in a comment lower down on the page.]

  7. How and why did we get to a place where so many are ABE’s (Anybody But Establishment)?

  8. The only mailings I’m doing in Dist. 31 are for and with myself. So, Publishing Pat, I’d recommend you call Lying Lee to discuss the elements of defamation under SD Law. As for me, I’m busy today trying to stop Amendments G and H and IM29: Three mortal threats to our state that you two “common sense conservatives” have been no help with whatsoever.

    1. So are you saying you support the other Republican candidate, Mary Fitzgerald, in your district rather than the clearly not Republican candidate? Are you saying you haven’t been working against a conservative for your own selfish political gain? We all see through you, easily Offended Odenbach.

    2. Scott, can’t speak to it myself, and I’ve been in the car heading to Spearfish all afternoon, so I’ll leave that to others why they believe that.

      Otherwise, I’m not sure people voting in an election they’re paying for, nor im29 constitute “mortal threats.”

      And when it comes to Amendment G, the major combatants on both sides fighting the battle are equally awful. The measure was terribly written, and SDRTL has broken trust. A pox on both their houses.

    3. And you should consider what a public figure is and what is does to the mens rea requirements. You go have fun tilting at windmills, Don Quixote.

    4. Mr. Odenbach, grudznick is the immediate past president of the Conservatives with Common Sense, rarely miss our group’s breakfastings, and I have never seen the Messrs. Powers and Schoenbeck there. Although they are always welcome. Imagine the debates that would follow the Opening Rant!

    5. Scott, I saw that you posted support for McVickers on Facebook. You encouraged us to vote for Odenbach and McVickers. That post has been removed. Do you deny posting it?

      1. McVickers is pro choice and pro marijuana. Doesn’t sound very conservative to me. If you are a Republican and support an Indy you are a RINO.

        1. Nailed it. Supporting a candidate that is for all the things he said he was out there fighting against. Scott really is a self serving gem of a man.

  9. I got the jab many many times and no instant death that I know of or anyone else noticed.

    Hey anti-vaxxers. Lay off the weed, try sobriety. It’s really underrated! Get outside and talk to everyday normies for once.

      1. Sane comparison made by a completely healthy mind. Nothing wrong with this sort of thinking, no siree.

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