State Rep. Fred Deutsch announces campaign for Senate

I’m at the Brookings County GOP picnic tonight where State Representative Fred Deutsch announced he will be a candidate for State Senate in District 4, running against State Representative Stephanie Sauder for the seat being vacated by State Senator (and State GOP chair) John Wiik.

Another marquee primary coming for June 2024. Stay tuned.

11 thoughts on “State Rep. Fred Deutsch announces campaign for Senate”

  1. Fred is a serious legislator who works hard using every resource available to bring facts not opinion to his bills and his votes. There are very few who put South Dakotans above their pursuit of image and Fred does. Glad to hear… the Senate could be better with him

    1. Does anyone have a link for donations to Rep. Sauder’s campaign? My DDS is acting up and I need to channel it more usefully than making the occasional snide comment on SDWC.

    2. t’s not hard to analyze the data and conclude Rep. Sauter will face an uphill battle if she faces Rep. Deutsch in a two-way primary. While it’s true she squeaked out a first place finish in the last primary because votes were dispersed amongst other conservative candidates, people should understand that Deutsch then buried her in the general election. Despite his reputation on some issues, Deutsch is a formidable campaigner and will be heavily favored if he decides to run against Sauter. His supporters are also more committed across the board. I’ll bet Noem talked her into running for this and hasn’t really thought it through, but she and Deutsch should get together and decide who and what is best for their district. If not, she’s been played for a fool.


      1. The better candidate will win. I don’t think anyone talked Sauder into running. She knows she is the better representative for the district and felt compelled to do what it takes to be their voice.

  2. I agree with the comments from Rhonda Milstead. Deutsch is a workhorse and very well liked in our district. It won’t be a cakewalk, but I think he’ll win this election handily.

  3. Sauder will be able to defeat him. She would be a nice addition to Senate Education and a positive female voice in the Senate. I think she would be much more valuable to the district as she wouldn’t be a 1 or 2 issue broken record like Fred has been in the house.

  4. Duesch only votes for his personal opinions and not for those he represents. Saunders was recruited and elected with major support from NOem . Goodbye to Duesch

  5. It’s odd to read these comments in support of Sauder. I’ve not talked to a Republican in the district who doesn’t support Deutsch. He’s a hard-working guy and will finish well ahead of Sauder just like in the last election. It’s a shame to lose her in the House but that’s her decision, and I’m sure Noem won’t be involved like last time.

  6. If we need to see a Physician or a mental health professional I trust their expertise. We don’t need or desire having a South Dakota legislator be in the office also to give the final approval for treatment.

    Reject Authoritarianism and vote for someone else.

  7. Here is the problem. The establishment leaders are recruiting solid candidates in many districts for senate and house. The conservative side is leaderless.

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