State Rep. Mark Willadsen turns in petitions today to run for District 9 State Senate

State Rep. Mark Willadsen turned in petitions today to the South Dakota Secretary of State’s office to run for District 9 State Senate. Willadsen had previously announced his intention to run for the seat late last month.

Willadsen, a Republican, has owned and operated the Willadsen Insurance Agency for 39 years, and has a long history of civic service in the Sioux Falls community, including 14 years in the State House of Representatives. 

He will be running to replace State Senator Wayne Steinhauer who is retiring from the South Dakota legislature.

Willadsen is a graduate of Leadership Sioux Falls, past president of the Sioux Falls Morning Optimist club, the Southwest Optimist Club, Crime Stoppers, and the Sioux Falls Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors. Willadsen is a past chairman of the Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce Tax Council.

One thought on “State Rep. Mark Willadsen turns in petitions today to run for District 9 State Senate”

  1. Please, Pat, can you advise these guys who run for office to at least go to a real men’s store and pay for a good suit. I mean one where they actually measure you and make alterations. They will help you coordinate a shirt, maybe a couple of neckties (that fit your body) and a pair of quality shoes. I’m not saying they have to be a “dandy” like Roger Stone but at least try to look like you didn’t buy your last suit at Penney’s before it closed. Oh, and learn to tie a necktie. I remember when my dad asked me to tie his necktie and after that he would loosen it and hang it up until the next funeral he went to

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