State Representative Fred Deutsch receiving death threats over House Bill 1057

State Representative Fred Deutsch is on Facebook this morning thanking the Codington County Sheriff’s office and the extra security they’re providing him and his family over someone posting his home address on twitter and encouraging people to go to his house and “kill him.”

(From personal Facebook page of State Representative Fred Deutsch, 2/1/20. Reproduced with permission)

Local and State Law enforcement are very aware of the threat, and in speaking with Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg, it’s noted that by nature of the communication (a threat being made electronically), it could rise to the level of being a federal crime.

Obviously, the person making the threat isn’t that smart, not knowing the difference between a Congressman and State Representative.

People can debate an issue, and even disagree strongly. But when disagreement rises to the level of inciting violence against others, they should be prepared to bear the full consequences for their actions.

25 thoughts on “State Representative Fred Deutsch receiving death threats over House Bill 1057”

  1. That’s just despicable. This guy needs to chill out, find a new hobby and leave other people alone who are just trying to live their life.

    1. So Gideon if a certain class of people want to have their children become sex objects with animals we all should just chill out and let them live their lives?

        1. Great question.
          Hopefully I read into his statement incorrectly………….

          1. I was, of course, talking about the psychopath wishing death upon Rep. Deutsch. But, the fact that so many were so quick to assume I meant Fred does, in fact, speak volumes.

            To answer your question, Charlie, more than half of child psychology “experts” these days say my parents abused me and caused me irreparable harm because they spanked me as a child.

            Some of them would argue my folks were criminally negligent because they raised me in a house full of “dangerous” firearms.

            Still others would say my parents stunted my education and social adjustment by homeschooling me through fourth grade (Jury’s still out on the social adjustment, I guess).

            And some would even declare that my parents caused me harm by making me go to church every Sunday.

            I guess it’s a damn good thing for me that those people didn’t hold a majority in the legislature in the late eighties and nineties.

            Listen, Charlie, am I advocating that parents should run out and get their sons’ pottywhackers lopped off? Absolutely not. But it’ll be a cold day in hell before I support any bill that takes parental authority and gives it over to the government.

            If that makes me a monster, so be it. I’m in good company with my parents. 😉

            1. The irreversible nature of what this bill is trying to prevent doesn’t compare with the things you listed. Very poor argument in support of parental rights.

              1. Good thing we don’t trust doctors to know what these things could do to the body. Better get the legislature involved.

  2. I’m sure this won’t get picked up by mainstream media. After all, the Argus Leader just posted an staff editorial that said, “Who will stop Fred Deutsch?”…

  3. What medium are those comments on? Are they Twitter? Who allows death threats on their platform?

  4. If this death threat had been made against a democrat, KELO would be leading with this story on all of the station broadcast platforms…

  5. This is the kind of case an AG could make his name on.

    Death threats on an elected official should be taken extremely seriously.

  6. This goes to show you the mentality, lack of character and morals that are typical of many of the opponents of this type of bill. These are the type of people that folks like Daugaard, Dave Owens, Nathan Sanderson, and Gov. Noem are afraid of . Why ? Just do what’s right !

    1. Tim you’re a tool-

      There are idiots like this in every group on every side of the issue. Let’s not pretend like the transphobic supports of this bill are within sin or idiots.

      While I rarely agree with Fred- you can be disagreeable without threatening someone’s life.

    1. No- as a Republican I think a local school district should decide what’s in the best interests for their students. I think if parents have an issue – they should get involved in the school board. If they care that much – they should get involved in their children’s education.

  7. The headline by the Argus and the threat are emblematic at the nature of the discourse. A real shame. So sad.

    Why anyone returns a call to Stu Whitney is beyond me.

    1. While the guy making death threats is a garbage human being who belongs in prison, spare me your lamentations on the state of discourse with your frequent support of Trump, Troy.

  8. Speaking of the Argus.

    In today’s Letters to the editor- 100% progressive. Do you think the Argu only gets such letters (proof anyone right of the progressives consider the Argus irrelevant), the Editor thinks this representative (proof they are wholly disconnected to their community), or the Argus is censoring letters to promote progressive views?

    It is one of these. And none reflect positive on the Argus.

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