State Senator Carley seeking co-sponsors on Senate Bill to display ten commandments in all classrooms

Incoming Senator John “California” Carley is wasting no time in pushing his über-religious agenda on South Dakota taxpayers, as he is currently seeking co-sponsors on an unfunded mandate to prominently post displays of religious tracts – in this case the ten commandments – in every classroom across South Dakota.

In case you’d like a preview of what’s on the Senator’s indoctrin.. ahem, agenda:

And that’s as much as my correspondent sent over to me (or at least as much as they could stand.)

It seems that on one hand the hard right wants to strip public schools of taxpayer funds to send it to religious schools. And on the other they want to have public schools spend taxpayer funds on religion.

Seems like we’re going to get a lot of religion this session.

27 thoughts on “State Senator Carley seeking co-sponsors on Senate Bill to display ten commandments in all classrooms”

  1. If the legislature wants to open that door there are a number of other Non-Christian beliefs and followers in South Dakota that will want want their own equal representation in each classroom too. There are many more than what is listed below but that classroom wall will be filled with religious information that can be overwhelming. Do we really want ALL of this in our public school classrooms?

    A Witch’s 10 Commandments, renowned Wiccan author Marian Singer uses the ubiquitous biblical rules to frame the 10 tenets witches should live by.

    * Thou art God/Goddess
    * As Above, so Below; as Within, so Without
    * Spirit abides in all things; Names have power
    * Maintain an attitude of gratitude
    * Honor the ancestors, your elders, teachers, and leaders
    * All life is sacred
    * All acts of love and pleasure are sacred
    * Whatever you send out, returns three fold
    * Love is the law; Love under will
    * Work for the greatest good, and harm none

    The Satanic Temple of South Dakota which the Satanic Temple has SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS

    One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
    The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
    One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
    The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one’s own.
    Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs.
    People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one’s best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
    Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.

    The 5 Principles and 10 Disciplines of Hinduism

  2. Blatantly unconstitutional. What a waste of time and, if it passes, tax payer money when the courts strike it down and when the State has to pay their other sides attorney’s fees. Or will John foot that bill for us?

    1. It not just John “California” Carley but every single legislator that signs on to vote for this should be financially liable so taxpayers are not stuck with the bill.

  3. Elections have consequences. When people who want to spend their time on nonsense like this are elected, everyone loses.

  4. Leave the Ten Commandments out of it and replace them with the Magna Carta.

    Nothing wrong with providing students with an education in civics but the Ten Commandments is just a poison pill in this thing.

  5. grudznick expects there may be some high powered lobbists pushing the “Witches 10 Commandments” onto this sloven bill, as an amendment. Let us all start jamming pagan gods into Mr. Carley’s government and your grandkid’s education, right off the bat.

    And no free money to home schoolers if they don’t heed the Wiccan Rede.

  6. According to my google machine, in 2022 there were 714 public schools in South Dakota. Some of those will be elementary only, some high schools. However, every s hoop has more than one classroom per grade. But let’s just say there are 13 classrooms per school. That’s 9,282 total classrooms. The actual number is probably closer to 20,000. If it costs $20 per classroom for this, that’s anywhere from $185,640 to $400,000. I’m a Christian. Jesus died on the cross to save us all. I love seeing the good word spread. But taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to spread the Gospel. If this passes, be assured you’ll also see lawsuits from every other religion to have their beliefs posted as well. Costing more money. This is not a well thought through idea. At all.

  7. Pure Stupidity.

    All of the legal fees wasted on this hogwash should be covered solely by the voters of district 29 and any other district whose legislator(s) sign on to this blatantly unconstitutional nonsense.

  8. Another South Dakota legislator that may unknowingly or knowingly be doing the Devil’s work by creating opportunities for expansion and growth. If they are doing this knowingly a new sub caucus may be needed during session called the Devil’s Advocate Caucus. The Capitol Cafe would be a good place to meet being in the basement.

  9. I knew Pennington County Voters were kind of low IQ in the past but I figured Meade County ranchers were a little more in tune. This dude won’t say where he’s from. Only that he grew up 5 hours from the Black Hills. Acting like he’s one of them. Says he runs cattle and horses…………..not sure how ranchy you can be on a 150 acre campground. Reminds me of the dude from Colorado down here near Hermosa who ran in the Southern Hills and was as constantly posting videos with his sheep and of him hauling bales for said sheep on his hobby farm and acted all ranchy. Same crap story he sold, I escaped (insert Colorado, California, etc) and I am here to save your state because you are on the path to Marxism. Yes, elections do have consequences.

  10. As a Christian, I am sad to see this. I am a Lutheran who chose my denomination because it is important to me how my children are taught Gods word.

    I don’t want public schools teaching my children religion. I will do that on my own. Thank you. But no thank you.

    This guy is authoritarian to think everyone sees it his way. This opens the door for trouble.

  11. Man, if only Jesus spoke out against blowhards that put on airs in public, but failed to uplift the poor and downtrodden in society.

  12. State sponsored religion. I’m sure it will be OK this time around. History has never proven otherwise…….

  13. Anyone who speaks in absolutes on this issue (or most others) is an ideologue, just different sides of the same coin.

    It is no wonder why we don’t have discussions anymore and the public square is so poisonous.

      1. Absolutely never have a copy of the 10 Commandments or absolutely have a copy everywhere. Ideologues speak in absolutes.

        1. It’s not about “having a copy everywhere.” It’s about having them publicly displayed in public schools and whether or not it is constitutional. Weird deflection attempt on your part.

  14. If we want the schools to teach history and civics to school children, then stop dumping the job on basketball and wrestling coaches who never studied history and civics themselves.

    If you are unaware of the problem, trot on over to your nearest public school, sit in on a history class and witness it yourself.

    Or talk to a recent high school graduate. Don’t be surprised if they don’t know who won the Civil War. I had one ask me how I knew that 2000 BCE was over 4000 years ago, and asked me to explain the calculation.

    The best course of action would be to require a passing grade on a statewide citizenship test in order to get a high school diploma.

    It’s bad enough 1/3 of incoming freshmen at our state universities require remedial education because the high schools they came out of didn’t get the job done.. At some point you realize this local control of education the Republicans so slavishly advocate for is a recipe for failure.

    If the Board of Regents won’t take action and won’t stop the state universities from accepting unqualified applicants, what incentives exist to make the local school boards do their jobs?

  15. This will end up with the devil worshiper display in public schools, it is in the Iowa capital because of this stupid notion. Can we just leave religion out of politics, we were never a theocracy, we don’t need to be now. You found something that helps you, great, it doesn’t need to be forced on everyone, it may not help everyone, leave people alone, live your life.

  16. Are Lutherans and Catholics going to oppose this because they number the 10 Commandments differently than what is in the bill?

  17. Here is one small section of the 178 pages of the new bought and paid for Social Studies Standards that came from out of state last year. This is a small section of what our 6th Graders are learning now. This small standard is spiraled and expanded on throughout the students education. Posting the 10 commandments in our schools will probably make this dude from California feel real warm and fuzzy as he sits in the front pew of his church on Sundays. Funny story, I asked my 2 public education students what our State Motto was and they recited it verbatim. I then asked them what our Nations Motto was and they both replied with “In God We Trust”. I then asked them where in their school the motto was posted, as required by State Codified Law, and they both had no clue where it was posted in their school but knew it was on the money in their pockets. I couldn’t find it in the school and I’m OK with this. Prime Sponsor Phil Jensen was probably the golden child at the following CFL meeting. Guess what Phil, it had 0 impact on my kids or our school. Guess what this bill does for our kids Carley……Jack Squat. What a frickin waste of time on SB 55 in 2019. Look at the time spent on this non-issue by our elected body.

    6.SS.5. The student demonstrates knowledge and understanding of influential ideas from the Roman
    Republic and the Roman Empire.
    A. The student explains the social and political organization of the Roman Republic and the
    influence of its governing principles and institutions, including the rule of law, the separation
    of powers, ideas of civic duty, and representative government. HC
    B. The student explains the major cultural features and contributions of Rome, including in
    architecture, engineering, sculpture, poetry, the Latin language, and the histories of Livy and
    Polybius. H
    C. The student explains the major ideas and events surrounding the life of Jesus of Nazareth and
    their historical effects. H
    D. The student explains the factors that accounted for the Roman Empire’s relative stability and
    longevity, including its military organization and tactics, the Pax Romana, decentralized
    administration, the taxation system, a standard currency, and the road system. HCE
    E. The student explains the major historical events, cultural features, stories, and religious
    contributions of the early Christians, including the origins and role of the Bible. H
    F. The student compares the religion of the Christians to that of the Hebrews and of polytheist
    religions, including monotheism, the Trinity, the belief in Jesus of Nazareth as divine, the
    redeeming of a person’s sins, the individual worth of each person, and equal moral obligations
    of each person regardless of class or authority. H
    G. The student explains the origins of the barbarian invasions and the other factors that led to
    the fall of the Roman Empire, including the power of the military establishment, political
    corruption, and economic instability arising from opulence. H
    H. The student explains the role of the papacy and historical figures in establishing Christianity
    and Roman law in Europe and the near east, including the Christian church fathers, Arianism,
    the Council of Nicaea, Augustine of Hippo, and Justinian. H

  18. We see District 3 Senator Carl Perry was one of the first to add his name to this bill.

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