The state’s major homeschooling group is announcing up front that they are opposed to the current proposal for government funding for alternative instruction, and the organization has hired lobbyists to enforce that point with State Representatives and Senators.
The Families for Alternative Instruction Rights is South Dakota’s only statewide homeschooling organization, and has been in operation for the last 6-7 years to represent homeschooling rights and resources in South Dakota. It is led by several familiar names, including board member and State Senator Sue Peterson. As noted on their website “FAIRSD is dedicated to advancing, protecting and securing Alternative Instruction rights for families in South Dakota. ”
In a letter sent to legislators this last week, the group is emphasizing that at this time they are largely opposing the measure for ESAs’/Vouchers as currently written, and offers the following in rebuttal to the ESA/Voucher program being proposed:
Many assume that FAIRSD would lobby in favor of ESAs or vouchers. That is not the case. FAIRSD stands adamantly opposed to any legislation which would seek to take away or change the traditional option for Alternative Instruction. It is the desire of many homeschool parents that it remains free and independent from any government funding or interference. We are hopeful that any proposed bills create a separate legal category for ESAs or vouchers. FAIRSD believes parents have the right to choose the best education option for each of their children, and to choose what, how, where, and when their children learn in a homeschool setting. Currently, there are three legal options in SD for parents to choose to educate their children: public, private, or alternative instruction. Any school choice bill that creates education savings accounts or vouchers should create a fourth legal option for parents to choose that is separate and distinct from Alternative Instruction.
The group has announced that they are “partnering with Rob Skjonsberg and Jason Glodt of 605 Strategies to represent SD homeschool families as our lobbyists at the capitol this session.”
More to come on this, as it will be the hottest topic that will come up at this years’ legislative session.
Someone has some sense.
Another Noem policy failure in 3, 2…