Still plenty of koo-koo to come in the 100th legislative session: Rep. Schaebauer wants SD Atty General to file lawsuit against China for COVID

If you ever caught yourself thinking that things might be setting down in Pierre, guess again. Because the AG doesn’t have enough to do to prosecute murderers, there’s a bill in the hopper yet to emerge from Rep. Brandei Schaefbauer directing the Attorney General to spend South Dakota taxpayer dollars to file a lawsuit against the People’s Republic of China for COVID:

Honestly.. what do you do with that?

5 thoughts on “Still plenty of koo-koo to come in the 100th legislative session: Rep. Schaebauer wants SD Atty General to file lawsuit against China for COVID”

  1. District 3 we can do much better than this! Seriously! Every session this is how they spend their time in Pierre during session. These are nonsense time wasting bills others have a far reaching negative impact. How does this help Aberdeen which has lost Presentation College, numerous business closures and loss of jobs? Aberdeen to some is stagnant just holding on while others could make the case it is in decline.

  2. We need a full slate of normal non-fringe replacements lined up to go.

    Time to put the Doeden Dumpsterfire out and haul it out to the Brown County Landfill for toxic disposal.

  3. Wow, she’s getting bold in her stupidity. Confidence isn’t always a good thing, Brandei.
    How exactly does South Dakota suing China do anything besides get Brandei more embarrassing quotes in the national media?
    What a heinous misuse of our tax dollars.

    Go sit down, Legislator Barbie, before you embarrass yourself and our state even more!

  4. The AG will be busy tilting at windmills trying to defend idiotic bills like the one posting the Ten Commandments in the public schools and the one singling out carbon capture pipelines from other pipelines.

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