Summit Carbon Solutions issues statement after Referred Law 21 loss

From Summit Carbon Solutions comes a statement with regards to last night’s election:

“Summit Carbon Solutions will apply for a permit in South Dakota on November 19, 2024. Our focus continues to be on working with landowners and ensuring the long-term viability of ethanol and agriculture in the state. Projects like ours have successfully navigated South Dakota’s existing regulatory landscape in the past. We will continue to operate within the current framework, knowing that the future of ethanol and agriculture is vital to our shared success.”

10 thoughts on “Summit Carbon Solutions issues statement after Referred Law 21 loss”

  1. If it weren’t for all the Radke Radicals lies, RL21 would have passed! I have a real issue with this win based on lies by people who not only have no clue but also are completely unaffected by the pipeline. This is NOT about Eminent Domain…never was!! Let’s make Ethanol viable!!

  2. Radke lies. Just like her sister who was selected and not elected, noticed the Brookings resident lagging far behind her other republican counterpart.

    People don’t like being deceived.

    1. The primary in that district was uncontested and didn’t appear on the ballot, so technically she got more votes than any candidate in the primary.

    2. Your final sentence is quite accurate.
      Read it back to yourself and then reflect upon the voting result.
      People really don’t like to be decieved. And that IS the reason for the result at the polls for RL 21.
      Once again, our elected representatives, led by bill sponsors Crabtree and Mortenson, abrogated their reponsibility to reresent ALL of their constituents and decided to sell out to a special interest under the false guise of “protecting landowner rights”.
      Legislative deception at its best.

      1. There is no way anyone can represent ALL the voters.

        First and foremost they must represent the voters who voted them in office.

  3. It is time to remove the agriculture tax exemption for diesel and gas.

    It is time to remove the road construction and maintenance subsidy to farmers on roads built because of imminent domain.

    It is time to fully assess agriculture for the cost of railroad construction and maintenance on rail lines built because of eminent domain.

    You want to stand on property rights? Taxing me to pay for your roads and rail lines is an abuse of my property rights.

    Same goes for your electrical and water lines built because of eminent domain.

  4. The defeat doesn’t stop Summit from doing anything. They will just proceed as before.The concept of “Willing Buyer, Willing Seller” still exists. If the pipeline zig zags a bit…so what? There are hundreds of millions of dollars available to be earned by investors
    over the lifespan of the project. They are just trying to minimize their initial investment costs.

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