The Replacements. New Dem in 13, Liz May is not yet on the ballot.. lawsuit awaits!

If you recall, there was a meeting held a little while after the withdrawal of Bill Hines from the District 27 State House contest to replace him with Liz May, who successfully campaigned among the affected GOP County organizations to run to be Hines replacement in the contest.

But.. maybe not as successful as might have been thought.

I had a correspondent this afternoon note that they read the SOS list today, and noticed that “Liz May isn’t there and I thought Kolbeck had achallenger in 13 Senate.”

Well… about that.

According to the Secretary of State this afternoon, Liz May was successful in being nominated to replace Bill HInes as the GOP Candidate. BUT… according to the SOS, “three of the four counties did not fill out the nomination form correctly, so we had to reject it.”

That’s not good. The SOS notes that they have not received a challenge to the ballot placement just yet.

As far as the Kolbeck challenger, the SOS elections office tells me that “The Democrat candidate that was nominated to fill Justyn Hauck’s vacancy in District 13, had both forms filled out incorrectly.  They challenged it in court and the judge ordered our office to place her name on the ballot,” with Elizabeth “Liz” Larson being placed on the ballot today.

And in D25 Senate with Marsha Symens, it’s my understanding that the certification form was mailed in time, and is en route via registered mail, and should be delivered this week.

Stay tuned.

3 thoughts on “The Replacements. New Dem in 13, Liz May is not yet on the ballot.. lawsuit awaits!”

  1. How in the world could the state party not make sure that the paperwork was filled out correctly? The state party better up their game and get this fixed. Hopefully, Liz May did not speak critically about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia!

  2. Yes, I’m disappointed Liz May’s filings were incorrect (and very glad I voted for Dusty Johnson). Nevertheless, given the court order allowing Liz Larson to overcome her paperwork problems & run against Senator Kolbeck, justice demands Liz May receive the same lenience. IMHO, a decent lawyer (Justin Bell for example) can get the unfortunate situation rectified quickly and without undue expense.

    Meanwhile, I encourage every D13 voter to support Jack Kolbeck: a superb legislator and a good man.

  3. Liz Larson is a fantastic candidate and will make D13 voters proud. I’ve known Liz 15 years, and she has moral integrity and the courage to always put the interests of the voters first.

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