Theresa Stehly demanding censorship of article about Sioux Falls entrepreneur in SiouxFalls.Business

Theresa Stehly strikes again!

In today’s Informational Meeting for the Sioux Falls City Council, while a presentation was boing given by partner organizations, specifically the Sioux Falls Development foundation, City Councilor Theresa Stehly went on a tear against an article on the SiouxFalls.Business website, and specifically against Matt Paulson claiming that Paulson and the article were an “attack” on her by “big business” because they want to see someone else in her seat on the Sioux Falls City Council.

How did all these people conspire to attack Theresa Stehly?

The Sioux Falls Development Foundation sponsored an article – and is sponsoring a series of articles –  to talk about business in Sioux Falls, specifically highlighting education and success stories. The latest article features Matt Paulson and his path “From techie kid to DSU grad to entrepreneurial success.”  And Theresa Stehly believes this was an attack on her.

The article’s sin in Stehly’s eyes is that buried deep, deep in the article, Paulson is asked about his civic activities, where he notes:

These days, my work in different organizations tends to blend into a mosaic of business development efforts and community service projects. I often have 10 to 15 meetings each week and will frequently put effort toward three or four different organizations each day. When I’m not in meetings, my work time is split between Queen City Bakery, my office on East Eighth Street and the Zeal Center for Entrepreneurship. Organizations and businesses that I am currently involved with include 1 Million Cups, Alex Jensen for Sioux Falls, Downtown Rotary, Faith Baptist Fellowship, Falls Angel Fund, GoGo Photo Contest, MarketBeat, the Sioux Falls Ministry Center, Sioux Falls Seminary and the Zeal Center for Entrepreneurship.

Read that here.

Did you see the dirty underhanded attack against Theresa?  Right there!  Of course you didn’t. Because there wasn’t one.

Except in twisty corridors in Theresa’s mind.

Sioux Falls Development Foundation sponsored the article, and is granted a few dollars by the City of Sioux Falls among their funding sources.  Paulson happened to note that among his dozen or so activities, he is involved with Alex Jensen for Sioux Falls.

And because of that, Stehly wants the article taken offline, because while “she’s not a declared candidate yet” it’s an attack on her.

Which left many scratching their heads.

City Councilor Christine Erickson spoke out against Stehly’s attempts at paranoia, pointing out that “Theresa was demanding censorship and trying to intimidate” Sioux Falls Development Foundation.

Stehly crabbed back at Erickson going on about how she donated to Alex Jensen, to which Erickson proudly fired right back “Sure have.”

The official from Sioux Falls Development Foundation diplomatically promised to look into their guidelines.

Theresa Stehly demanding censorship and removal of an article on a website sponsored by a group because the feature of the article mentioned his volunteering for a campaign among a long laundry list of group is… well, it’s just looney.

And further evidence that while Stehly is “not a declared candidate,” she’s still feeling the heat and pressure of her opponent’s campaign. Just because it exists.


It sounds like people are starting to collect stories of Theresa’s intimidation tactics, where she’s used her position of authority to threaten or intimidate people:

They apparently have an e-mail set up at [email protected] where you can relate your story.

17 thoughts on “Theresa Stehly demanding censorship of article about Sioux Falls entrepreneur in SiouxFalls.Business”

  1. I guess the argument goes like this:

    If a drip of city money flows to a publication, it should never, ever (in even the slightest way) promote one candidate over another.

    Publishing Matt’s quote (that he supports Jensen for City Council) promotes Jensen.

    But as Jensen is UNOPPOSED, no one was harmed.

    When another candidate declares, we’ll talk. Right now? Get a grip.

    It’s a mean old world, fraught with heartbreak. Stop throwing tantrums over every peccadillo. Take a breath, shrug it off. Focus on solving real-world problems. Voters want effective schools, safe streets, better jobs, less bureaucracy, fewer gangs…

    1. It didn’t promote Jensen. It was mentioned in passing as one of many examples of Paulson’s civic involvement. And for what it’s worth, Paulson is an impressive success story and one would think a civic leader like Theresa would want to celebrate that.

      1. “It didn’t promote Jensen.”

        I’ll take your word for it. But even assuming, arguendo, that the article promoted Jensen, it’s harmless, because he’s unopposed.

  2. Some people become insecure and resentful of those more successful then them. When those people get a taste of attention or power, they cling to it. And in some cases, they become the very thing they claim to oppose – a government official missing power for one’s self-interest. It’s sad to watch when it happens.

  3. What’s up with Janet Brekkie’s remarks ”intended” to defend Stehly. It was absolutely incoherent and reflected poorly on her. Was/is she an actual attorney? It’s like she was confused about the topic.

  4. She’s unhinged and thus unpredictable. It’s why the community is turning on her. She treats people that disagree with her as the enemy or hateful when we just have differing opinions. I’ve had discussions and I truly believe there’s other issues with her. She needs to go for the good of our community.

  5. Stehly might be crazy.

    But the elitist comments by many supporting Jensen make me cringe too. Sioux Falls politics has degenerated into a junior high spat of popularity vs outcast.

    Just curious if the outcast still has a following or if she has become unhinged.

    1. Who here is being elitist? Stehly is being criticized for obviously bad behavior. I don’t people who know how to act are “elite”; I think they are “normal.”

  6. When one speaks about a person who is unhinged, stupid, impugns with impunity, lies, and lazy, it is hard to be critical without a hint of condescending or pity because the bar is so low.

  7. I can’t wonder if she would been as outrage if it mention any other state or federal candidate in passing. And as one that was bullied by her tribe for having for respectfully disagreeing with her point of view, I thank Mr Paulson for taking a stand.

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