This could be the worst yard sign in South Dakota Campaign History


Yes, that’s a Jay Williams for US Senate campaign sign. An Aberdeen correspondent snapped a picture of it next to another sign with an awful design, but the Williams sign is remarkable for it appearing to come from what is supposed to pass for a US Senate Race.

My correspondent assures me that, yes, it is actually stapled on top of another sign.

Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to be able to read the disclaimer from a distance?

19 thoughts on “This could be the worst yard sign in South Dakota Campaign History”

  1. Well if the Democrats could trick us into passing IM 22 then Mr. Williams could get some money for some decent signs…like your tax money….

    I think not…NO on 22.

  2. You should see the signs for the dist 3 house candidates.

    Nikki Bootz: Half of the sign is her photo that you cannot see from the street.

    Brooks Briscoe: A sign that was created in art class at Central. In fact they are in Golden Eagle and Roncalli Cavalier colors.

    If Al, Dan, & Drew do not win up here, we have a major problem!

    1. We were very surprised with the signs that Brooks Briscoe put out. Visibility wise they have to be one of the worse signs we have ever seen. They look homemade and they are very hard to read. He is very bright and has done well in the private sector minus the ego and self severing attitude of another candidate who barges into meetings and tries to make sure everyone knows how smart he is.

      Brooks Briscoe having a great deal of life experiences would get my vote over the very young Drew but I’m not sure if Brooks is campaigning hard enough.

      1. Funny – Are you behind the Facebook page bearing the same name? Are there really democrats in Brown County that would rather have Al than Cory?

        1. DR Yes there are Democrats in Brown County that will vote and are willing to support Al over Cory. Not sure who did the facebook page but we keep checking for updates and if it helps us then great!

          Al is a good guy and although we may disagree on a few issues he does a good job representing our district and makes a sincere attempt to learn all sides of an issue. He is levelheaded, steady, a workhorse and very low key.

          It looks like Cory has an unstable work history with being fired as a teacher once that we know of and we don’t know what happened in Spearfish and his interpersonal skills seem to be lacking. He has and will throw anyone under bus to advance himself so how can anyone in Pierre or in District 3 trust him? It would hurt our region to have a really bad legislator that will grandstand and use his blog to turn around and slam others if he sees an opportunity. Very surprised he has not been sued yet.

          Business and property owners don’t want him going to Pierre and feel he is in liberal lala land with no idea what challenges and expenses they face on a daily basis.

          He has done a good job offending many people here. He is not fit for any elected office.

        2. Our group had a little get together at Scotty’s Saturday and had a good time while enjoying those classic burgers, fries and Onion Rings Scottys was always known for years ago. We are getting the word out before the election.

  3. DR have you noticed a few yards in Aberdeen some of which are business owners that once had all the Democratic District 3 candidates have removed all but Brooks Briscoe’s campaign signs? Curious……….

  4. So, there is more than one Cory sign out there? I spend my weeks in Aberdeen and can only tell you where you can find one of them.

  5. Is it a folded cardboard sign? Those are terrible. My Chris Nelson cardboard sign did not last more than a month. Any moisture or wind completely destroys them, which may be a fitting fate for that yard sign. The utilization of space is terrible. There is ample room for “FOR STATE DOG CATCHER” over the bottom half of the sign in bright and bold lettering, but Jay refuses to accept reality and wants to run for a U.S. Senate seat, instead.

  6. I dunno; you can read the names so you can tell the person who put the signs there is a twit, so they’re at least informative.

  7. Williams knows he doesn’t have a chance, so why put much effort into it. And the state party knows the same thing; if they had any money, why waste it?

  8. THE Worst? Maybe in the bottom five. There is something said for a simple design
    however it isn’t all that simple.

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