Thune: Biden Picks Russia’s Energy Monopoly Over South Dakota’s Energy Independence

Thune: Biden Picks Russia’s Energy Monopoly Over South Dakota’s Energy Independence

“I find it particularly fascinating – or, more accurately, troubling – that the president cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline and its 11,000 American jobs yet is now conceding to Russia on the construction of a Russian pipeline – Nord Stream 2 – by waiving sanctions against the Russian company constructing the pipeline.”

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WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today discussed the United States’ progress toward energy independence and the importance of all-of-the-above energy policies that invest in oil and natural gas, ethanol and other biofuels, solar, wind, and hydropower. Thune noted that President Biden’s hostility toward affordable and reliable energy security in the United States, his decision to shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, and his apparent preference for Russia’s energy monopoly could be detrimental to our national security.

10 thoughts on “Thune: Biden Picks Russia’s Energy Monopoly Over South Dakota’s Energy Independence”

  1. That ought to stop Biden. Thanks Senator Thune. I don’t know what we would do without your rhetoric.

    1. Thune looks tired. 18 years of this has aged him.

      The Thune from 2004 who took the fight to Daschle needs to be resurrected.

  2. The Congressional Apportionment data released from the 2020 Census said there were 331,108,434 people in America and here in South Dakota there were a grand total of 887,770.

    Why should Biden care about South Dakota? Our whole state’s population is just a rounding error at the national scale. There aren’t enough of us to matter. Sucks to be us, but it’s true.

    1. However, backtracking on energy independence the way Ole’ Joe is will hurt all Americans, so you’d think he would care about what most Americans would think, except that he is more concerned about cozying up to Putin and Xi, something the left said President Trump was doing. Funny how the left are such hypocrites on absolutely everything.

      1. Hurts all Americans is a different matter than “hurts South Dakota”. And as far as I can tell is more Thune’s actual point. I think his headline should match.

      2. Destroying a wilderness area to come up with the dirtiest of all fossil fuels, even worse than dirty coal, then transporting it across our country so it can be shipped to other countries is not a great thing. If you love oil so much, why not keep drilling into the Bakken? BTW, Nord Stream 2 is not moving this ugly sludge euphemistically called tar sand oil.

  3. Thank you Senator John Thune for speaking up for your state and against this Biden energy dependence policy. Very sad that a President is such a tool of the hard left

  4. Another dishonest and phony statement.

    The drilling regulations in Canada assure virtually no destruction of wilderness and the “dirtiness” of the oil is alll reclaimed in processing with the exact same environmental impact.

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