Thune Calls Out Biden’s Radical Return to Obama-Era Net Neutrality Proposal

Thune Calls Out Biden’s Radical Return to Obama-Era Net Neutrality Proposal

 “Under the regulatory regime the Biden FCC wants to impose, the federal government would be allowed to block or prioritize internet traffic or otherwise interfere with the free flow of information.”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today spoke on the Senate floor about the Biden administration’s attempt to return to failed, heavy-handed Obama-era regulations on the internet. Thune noted that in order to maintain a free and open internet, Democrats should reject the administration’s misguided net neutrality power grab.

7 thoughts on “Thune Calls Out Biden’s Radical Return to Obama-Era Net Neutrality Proposal”

    1. interesting from thune on net neutrality argument, but the attached rfkjr stuff, ohboy wow

  1. Yeah, I don’t see anything that could go wrong with letting ISP’s filter what I see or can’t see, lol. Take note, the corporations are going woke, those include the ISP’s. Next time you want to visit John Dale’s blog, guess what, it may run so slow it isn’t worth even checking out. Perhaps it could extend to a blog called dakota war college. Allowing the ISP’s to decide what is a priority isn’t good, each consumer should be able to decide.

    This isn’t in the readers (or this blogs) best interest to support Thune on the rant he’s making. He is only making this rant because those ISP’s are his donors. Net neutrality is good for us consumers, and should be implemented, regardless of who gives John Thune money. What other rights are you willing to give up just by calling it “Obama” or “Biden” affiliated. Surely, you are willing to give up those Obama protected guns now, right?

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