Thune: Democrats’ Big-Government, Big-Spending Agenda Does Nothing to Ease Economic Pain

Thune: Democrats’ Big-Government, Big-Spending Agenda Does Nothing to Ease Economic Pain

“What [the Inflation Reduction Act] will do is spend hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars on Democrats’ socialist, big-government fantasies – and raise taxes to help pay for it.”

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WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today discussed how the Democrats’ so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” will do nothing to reduce inflation and how it will instead double down on wasteful government spending and increase the tax burden on American businesses and middle-income families. Thune noted that Democrats should start focusing on pro-growth economic policies that would actually help working families who have experienced a de facto pay cut due to record-high inflation and President Biden’s failed policies.

One thought on “Thune: Democrats’ Big-Government, Big-Spending Agenda Does Nothing to Ease Economic Pain”

  1. It won’t blow up government debt as much as Orange Leader’s bogus tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires Repubs knocked themselves out to enact.

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