Thune: Effective Use of Federal Broadband Funds Will Help Bridge the Digital Divide

Thune: Effective Use of Federal Broadband Funds Will Help Bridge the Digital Divide

“Oversight of how federal broadband dollars are being spent is necessary to ensure that agencies aren’t mishandling billions of taxpayer dollars and, most importantly, to make sure the funding is going to areas that are actually unserved.”

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WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today discussed his nationwide broadband oversight effort that will hold agencies accountable and ensure that previously authorized broadband funding is being used in the most efficient way possible to protect taxpayer dollars. Thune noted that in the last two years, Congress has allocated nearly $80 billion in funding for broadband-related services, which is split among 133 programs at 15 different agencies.

As part of Thune’s effort, he recently sent a letter to U.S. Department of Commerce Inspector General Peggy Gustafson for her failure to fulfill congressionally mandated oversight of previously authorized broadband funding. Thune also sent a letter to a diverse group of stakeholders, including broadband associations, public interest groups, and free-market think tanks to seek their input on the current broadband regulatory structure.