Thune: Families Falling Behind in Biden-Harris Economy

Thune: Families Falling Behind in Biden-Harris Economy

 “President Biden has talked a lot about building an economy from the bottom up and the middle out. But it’s lower- and middle-income Americans who have suffered the most in the Biden-Harris economy.”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today spoke on the Senate floor about the burden Americans are facing as a result of the Biden-Harris administration’s reckless spending. Thune noted that American families have to spend over $13,000 more per year to maintain the same standard of living they had when President Biden and Vice President Harris took office.

9 thoughts on “Thune: Families Falling Behind in Biden-Harris Economy”

  1. Imagine that, Trump’s policies triggered massive inflation to give the wealthy a break and you blame the party that brought us out of Trump’s hole. Trump printed more money than Biden. Trump added more debt than Biden. Trump also triggered the largest flow of wealth from the bottom to the top and overheated the Obama economy. Trumpers have a memory of about 2 weeks it seems. If Trump implements tariffs like he is proposing, we will all see higher costs. Trump’s economic plan also adds more debt than Kamalas. There is no upside for the working class under Trump unless your only goal is to spite liberals at your own expense.

  2. Everything Biden spent was funded by CRs and Omnibus bills that Thune, Rounds, and Dusty voted for. Federal spending is the biggest problem followed by democratic party war on energy. Trump created the best US economy in history so the chinese attacked us with a virus to kill it..

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