Thune: Foreign Ownership of Farmland is a Matter of National Security

Thune: Foreign Ownership of Farmland is a Matter of National Security

“Food security is a critical component of national security, and we need to make sure foreign countries do not hold an undue influence over our food supply.”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), a longtime member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, today participated in a hearing to examine foreign ownership in U.S. agriculture. Thune discussed the importance of protecting South Dakota farmers and ranchers from foreign adversaries – like China, Russia, and Iran – that seek to purchase U.S. farmland and agriculture businesses, which threatens food security.

13 thoughts on “Thune: Foreign Ownership of Farmland is a Matter of National Security”

  1. I find that in my old age (48), everything Senator Thune says that is not related to the restoration of trust in our elections .. is very annoying and doesn’t land.

    How about a statement about Owen Shroyer? That would allow the electorate to understand his true disposition.

    1. Will you be announcing you will become a candidate and run for Senator Thune’s seat? If so which party would you run as? Constitution Party? Libertarian?

      1. He could run fine as a Republican if those are his beliefs. And by God if he has the spine to do his job and not cower every time a democrat says jump he’d be worth it.

    2. re: schroyer- if i could find an information media business more discredited than post-dominion fox news, it would have to be post-sandyhook loser alex jones. this would include anyone labeled as a frequent show guest in every google result.

      1. EDIT: smithFIELD not smithLAND i know. obviously “field” is something we can call a piece of land, but still, not farmland.

    1. It’s more so saving our food infrastructure from hostile takeover, so consider it freedom from starving and coercion.

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