Thune: President’s Supreme Court Nominee Is Exceptional Jurist

Thune: President’s Supreme Court Nominee Is Exceptional Jurist

“Considering that Senate Democrats have repeatedly emphasized the need for nine justices, they should abandon their campaign to filibuster Judge Gorsuch and work with Senate Republicans to fill this vacancy.”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) released the following statement on President Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuch to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia:

“President Trump has made an outstanding choice,” said Thune. “Neil Gorsuch is an exceptionally well-qualified, mainstream jurist, and I believe his long record of thoughtful jurisprudence will make him an asset to the court. I look forward to confirming Judge Gorsuch to serve on the Supreme Court. 

“Unfortunately, Senate Democrats decided to judge this nominee before they even knew who it was. Considering that Senate Democrats have repeatedly emphasized the need for nine justices, they should abandon their campaign to filibuster Judge Gorsuch and work with Senate Republicans to fill this vacancy.” 


6 thoughts on “Thune: President’s Supreme Court Nominee Is Exceptional Jurist”

  1. I wonder? If President Trump has an opportunity to appoint a Justice to the Supreme Court in the final year of his first or possible second term, that Senator Thune will take the position, that the Senate should not act on a Trump nominee until the following January as Senator Thune and other Republicans decided to do with President Obama’s nominee, Mr. Garland?….. Only time will tell.,,, hahahaha,,,,,

    And when you have a political party that hijacked a Supreme Court seat in the eighth year of a presidency by refusing to hold hearings for Mr. Garland, I find it absolutely amazing that that same political party would then have the audacity to complain about the other political party’s motives and call for them “to work with Senate Republicans to fill this vacancy,” when they had no urgency to do so less than a year ago, when the obligation was then on them….

    1. They let voters decide the direction of the courts. Voters chose trumps directions.

      Thune almost cost us our republic by denouncing trump. Glad he is back in top form by issuing press releases and jumping on bandwagons.

      1. But the “voters” supported Hillary over Trump by 2.9 million votes. You mean the electoral college chose Trump.

        Plus, the 2012 presidential election applies to a potential nominee in the spring of 2016 and not a fall 2016 election. Last I checked, presidential powers extend for the entire four year term and not just for the first three years, and should be respected.

        Personally, I liked the Thune of early October before his flip-flop.

        As far as the “Republic” is concerned. Well, I am afraid it is currently in great peril given the mess we have seen already in the first 11 days of the new administration…

        1. Oh boo-hoo-hoo. Blame the Russians, blame the electoral college, but the real blame for Hillary’s loss belongs with her supporters who didn’t work hard enough.
          Yeah, I’m talking to you.
          Millions of people have turned out to protest Trump but did they, including you, show up for Hillary’s campaign rallies? Did you donate money? Did you make phone calls and go door-to-door to get out the vote? Did you even bother to vote?

          Guess what? She lost. You lost. And if you are looking for someone to blame, look in the mirror.

          1. You are assuming that I am some big Hillary supporter. I am not. For me, my vote for her was merely “the lesser of two evils.”

            I voted for someone your party identified as “Tricky Dick,” you, however, obviously voted for the “Benito wannabe”….

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