Thune puts the brakes on plan by Chuck Schumer to stack judicial nominees: “If Schumer thought the GOP would just roll over.. He thought wrong”

Incoming Senate Majority Leader Senator John Thune led action in the Senate to put the brakes on plans by Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer to load the Senate’s remaining schedule for the year with Democrat judicial nominees

Senate Republicans opted to delay votes and draw out floor action on Monday night after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., sought to stack additional judicial confirmation votes on the calendar ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Two sources familiar told Fox News Digital that the plan to slow down the Senate was spearheaded by Senate Minority Whip John Thune, R-S.D., who was recently elected as the next Republican Senate leader.

“If Sen. Schumer thought Senate Republicans would just roll over and allow him to quickly confirm multiple Biden-appointed judges to lifetime jobs in the final weeks of the Democrat majority, he thought wrong,” Thune told Fox News Digital in an exclusive statement.

Read it all here.

29 thoughts on “Thune puts the brakes on plan by Chuck Schumer to stack judicial nominees: “If Schumer thought the GOP would just roll over.. He thought wrong””

    1. Or, replace Gaetz with someone who isn’t a complete trainwreck that would actually know how to fix the DOJ like Sen. Mike Lee? Easy confirmation, more knowledgeable, and no known desire to bang minors.

      1. According to the Washington Post, DOJ career prosecutors recommended no charges for Gaetz in a sex-trafficking probe.

        The accusations against Gaetz were based solely on the testimony of Joel Greenberg, a former Gaetz ally and Florida tax collector. Greenberg is currently serving 11 years in prison for crimes including accusing one of his political opponents of raping a minor. Greenberg discovered the two bogus witnesses against his former friend, Gaetz, including a woman who claimed to have sex with the congressman when she was a minor.

        Although the DOJ closed its case against Gaetz in 2022, the Republican-led House Ethics Committee still decided to go after him the following year, presumably to punish the congressman for helping oust former Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, angering many of the latter’s allies.

        1. Ethics investigation was ongoing when McCarthy was sacked. According to McCarthy, so take it with a grain of salt, Gaetz filed the motion to vacate because McCarthy would not quash the ethics inquiry (which the Speaker can’t do anyway).

          The point is, that there are less controversial/more professional options available to implement Trump’s DOJ plans. Probably more effective as well.

        2. It’s not solely his testimony, there is also testimony from at least one woman who claimed to have sex with Gaetz wgen she was 16. Why do you lie about such easily researched facts? Do you think lying is ok to prove a point? Is that why you like Gaetz?

  1. About time. Thank you and keep up that steadfastness and support/help/convince others to do the same on Trump’s appointments. Including Kristi and especially Gaetz as someone mentions above.

      1. Agree. RFK’s platform is like reading straight from an anti vax playbook. Plus, promoting raw milk consumption is basically promoting e coli causing hemolytic uremic syndrome in children, listeria, brucella, campylobacter….. There are no probiotics in this and all the same nutrients. So why take the risk?

        RFK is not qualified. I do appreciate his healthy food and exercise push, but if he doesn’t understand the science proven by Louis Pasteur in 1864….good riddance.

        1. I’d be very upset if RFK doesn’t make it through. What a thoughtful leader and exactly the person our country needs at this time.

          1. Except for the fact that he would be in charge of healthcare, and does not know science well enough to understand pasteurization. If he is a nice and thoughtful man he could do something else.

    1. It will be hard for anyone to vote against RFK Jr. If they voted for mayorkas. Give trump his appointments.

    2. noem, gaetz and rfkjr are shoo-ins. don’t even get your hopes up about this gop denying trump his choices. democrats should remember there’s a logic to just standing back and letting trump and his new republican party wreck it all as they seem to want to do.

  2. Gaetz should be in front of the Attorney General, not the Attorney General. With the clean sweep, we now need to present the Christian values of the party. We need to put into place those who know the difference between right and wrong.

    1. Come back to reality! There’s nothing Christian about the party after backing serial cheater, pay-for-abortion Trump.

  3. Gaetz represents “Christian Values”?? Please do not treat the correspondents on this site as fools. What is “Christian” about Mr. Gaetz’s values.??

    1. Pretty sure Jesus only talked about owning the libs right? Don’t recall any mention of helping the poor, healing the sick, or any of that other socialist malarkey right?

    2. The age of consent when Jesus was around was less than the age Matt Gaetz paid to sleep with. The kids Matt paid off were almost adults, it is a witch hunt.

      1. What in the fresh hell is your point? A minor is a minor, and we’ve come a long way morally with regards to consent in 2000 years. You’re probably OK with what Joel Koskan did, freaking creep.

      2. WTH? So, the new standard for the Attorney General are not the laws of today but the traditions of 2,000 years ago? Does that mean slavery, sex trafficking, and sacrificing children is legal?

        I’m having a hard time determining if your post is opposition to the rule of law in the United States or advocacy for pedophilia.

  4. If Gaetz and/or Kennedy (or any other nominee) are found WITH legal or financial improprieties, please explain why they should be confirmed?

    If Gaetz and/or Kennedy (or any other nominee) are found WITHOUT legal or financial improprieties, please explain why they should be not be confirmed?

    1. What does “legal” mean anymore, if the leader says it doesn’t count, it doesn’t count? It is that simple folks.

      1. There will be an investigation by the Committee and a committee report that will detail what they find where members can vote and express their verdict on these matters.

        Why should anyone vote against these nominees if they don’t find legal or financial improprieties? Why should anyone vote for them if they find legal or financial improprieties?

        Give your own rational answer to the questions. If you can’t or won’t but make statements like that, you are no better than those you criticize. If you want our system to work, expect it to work.

    2. Gaetz was the only person in congress to vote against the Stop Sex-Trafficking Act of 2017. If that doesn’t scream red flag keeping in mind all of his sex-trafficking allegations, I don’t know what does. He shouldn’t get the time of day from the Senate.

      Plus his haircut sucks and his eyebrow styling is atrocious.

  5. So four years ago, Sen. Thune gave us the great legal scholar, Aileen Cannon. It didn’t seem to make much of a difference then. Here’s to hoping that big John gets rolled anyway. Get some practice at it, because he will have much less of a spine as the Majority Leader. “Advise and Consent” is a concept that will get tossed in the dumper just like one of the Donald’s ex-wives.

    1. Why don’t you give Senator Thune some advice yourself and answer the questions above?

      I know it is harder to be constructive than destructive but give it a try. It’s what Americans who want their country to be better do.

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