Thune: The Free World Stands With Ukraine

Thune: The Free World Stands With Ukraine
“The U.S. and other free nations must match the resolve of the Ukrainian people and respond with swift and severe consequences for Putin and his cronies.”

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WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today discussed the global consequences of Vladimir Putin’s unjustified war against Ukraine. Thune noted that while this is Ukraine’s fight, the United States and allies must provide weapons and humanitarian assistance as well as impose swift and severe sanctions against Russia.

9 thoughts on “Thune: The Free World Stands With Ukraine”

  1. These European countries almost all of them need to focus on building their militaries. The USA should not be the world’s police or armed forces.

    1. If you haven’t read the news lately, they are all sending weapons. We need to do our part to support the free world.

      1. Here is a Red Ryder brought to you by your European allies. Make sure you put on safety goggles first those BB’s have velocity.

  2. Our puppet government, or the people of Ukraine?

    Isn’t the Ukraine where the Bidens have their “investments”?

    Isn’t the Ukraine a hub of human trafficking?

    Isn’t NATO planning to foist WAR! upon Russia through Ukraine?

    Didn’t our puppet government in Ukraine cut off the water supply to Crimea?

    I have a lot of questions regarding your statements, which require some clarification.

    Without an escalating WAR! in the region, those that ran our systems into the ground through poor leadership and selfish visions will be held accountable?

      1. To match your questionable form of short-shrift argumentation, “I’m glad to see you support the pedophiles and human traffickers.”

        It’s a juvenile tit for tat, and doesn’t advance the truth and incite better strategies.

        “[America] goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy … the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom [are foolish].” — John Quincy Adams

  3. This recent shift of the GOP to support Ukraine was funny. It definitely started with plans to divide the country on this issue and create a partisan argument of you are either left or right on this issue too. However, the popular stance is for world peace, and thankfully the right went along with that. However, we do still have outliers like the Qanon crowd as seen in the comment section here that feel Putin is good because he hates some of the same things they do.

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