Tonight, SDGOP Chair hopeful Lee Qualm tells us about the causes of racism

It’s like the candidates for SDGOP Chair can’t stop digging, as tonight we have a candidate for GOP Chair continuing the awful.   Tonight’s installment recalls the forum held by the confederate coalition of counties from the other night. The group had sent out minutes of what took place. Except that Ex-Majority Leader and alleged “attempted converter” Lee Qualm didn’t care for the page or so summary, and felt the need to clarify the minutes that they recorded.

Of course, his “clarification” ended up being a complete rewrite, taking it from about 1 page or less to eleven.   I won’t get into it too much, but there are some cringeworthy passages in there that are hard to ignore.. From SDGOP Chairman hopeful Lee Qualm, in his own words:

The Hispanic are becoming more a part…. I feel that as we talk about Hispanics and Blacks…. They are all Americans. We need to be inclusive and bring people in and stop distinguishing…. That is what causes racism by calling them Hispanic or calling them Black.

So, they weren’t part of the state before….? And racism is caused by referring to blacks and hispanics as black or hispanic.. which is why he’s referring to them as black and hispanic?

What do they say about giving someone enough rope?

(Can someone please enter the race so we have better choices? I don’t want to spend the next two years doing this.)

25 thoughts on “Tonight, SDGOP Chair hopeful Lee Qualm tells us about the causes of racism”

  1. Any candidate that will not pledge to support every elected Republican, from Thune on down, should be disqualified from running. It’s not that complicated.

      1. Support the brand, not personal ambitions. Are these folks running to serve the party and its elected officials, or do they want to win to have the party serve them?

        1. Right now there are around 20 county GOPs that believe the party exists to advance their personal agendas and their visions. They don’t believe in the party platform, as such. They pick and choose. So not truly republican in the traditional sense. These are the actual RINOs, but ironically they are the ones that use that term the most to label the traditionalists.

  2. What next in being so bold will candidate for this political party Lee Qualm go beyond sex designation and just refer to them as humans or Earthlings? .

    Darn! Knowing who Mr. Qualm and his associates are prone to conspiracies maybe we should leave Earthlings out! Otherwise they will be on another wild goose chase looking for Extraterrestrials and purging them from the party and state.

  3. everything is basically a variation of “i’m not racist, my hometown had swedes AND norwegians living peaceably, and no one hated non-whites because in theory we considered them fellow humans.”
    the beat goes on.

    1. We seem to have some confusion.

      The Governor and Lt. Governor are elected together as a team in the general election by the voters. The voters have no opportunity to split their vote between the Governor and Lt. Governor. They present themselves to the general election voter as a team/running mates. Period. To assert otherwise is not connected to reality.

      The Governor is nominated in the primary by voters.

      The Lt. Governor is selected to join the Governor on the ticket at the party convention. Because they run as a team/running mates, the Governor nominee presents to the convention his/her choice as a running mate and the convention has advice and consent powers to concur with them as a team.

      Except in the case of Jim Abdnor being selected as Frank Farrar’s running mate, all other Governor nominee presented Lt. Governors have been approved by the convention to join the ticket.

      So, I ask again, since they run as a team in the general election and the voters do not have an opportunity to split their Governor/Lt. Governor election vote, please tell me why you think the Governor and Lt. Governor should be independent of each other? What purpose is served?

      1. What does this have to do with the cringe-worthy SDGOP Chair hopefuls, which is the topic of this article?

      2. I think what the previous person was attempting to say, and I agree with him when you read the duties of the Lt Governor under SDCL 1 Administration, is the Lt Governor should be independent of the Governor for one primary reason, the Lt Governor fields all of the complaints from the citizens against all Statewide offices, departments, officials. So if the citizens submit a complaint against the governor, the Lt Governor must be able to do his job effectively. cause remember, before the Governor and Treasurer were removed from the convention format, all Statewide Atlarge officials were all nominated and chosen in the convention each independently of one another. they are all independent of each other in the administrative duties of the state itself.

        1. I expect all Constitutional Officers to fulfill their Oath of Office without regard to relationship or loyalties. If that person intended what you describe and fidelity to their Oath, we agree. I’m not sure that was the context or substance of what was said.

    1. Pass. Given that my interests lie with economic development, limited government, getting good people elected, and the fact I have a tendency to point out stupid… I don’t think many members of the SDGOP’s Central Committee are interested in the same things I am.

  4. Let Qualm and his homies burn it down. Like he did in his own legislative district and is now unelectable.

    If that is what it takes to wake people up….

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