“Veterans” Yes on Amendment H Commercial

Just got ahold of this commercial, which I first noticed on TV this last weekend. Probably one of the better ads running this cycle. This one being ran by an independent political action committee in favor of amendment H:

This ad is being ran by the Unite America PAC

12 thoughts on ““Veterans” Yes on Amendment H Commercial”

  1. Thanks Pat. Gonna share this with my peeps. I support H because things for both parties just seem to keep getting worse, and our state governance is pretty much in the toilet. When 50% of the next legislature is locked in place without Independents having had any voice at all in that process, we have more and more weird and poorly qualified candidates being elected by conspiracy-inspired primary voters, all at the cost of good governance.

  2. South Dakota’s political dumpster divers hate Amendment H. Without H it is their pathway to elected office. That is why I am voting for H!

    1. So your counter argument is that democrats should just register as republicans…. makes sense.

    2. How would you feel if you had to register with a party you don’t agree with just to be “allowed” to exercise your constitutional right to vote? Feels like most of the anti-H folks must have flunked civics class.

      1. Let me explain: there are only 2 reasons for registering as a non-affiliated voter:
        1. you are incapable of making a decision, It takes you 30 minutes to get through a buffet line, making decisions is too hard, you hold up everybody in line behind you


        2. you believe being non-affiliated is virtuous. You congratulate yourself on being above the fray. Neither party is good enough for you to consort with. You do not want to get involved with either party, and you love telling all your friends that you’re an independent, you’re just TOO PRECIOUS.
        You can shove that nonsense where the sun don’t shine. You aren’t as adorable as you think you are.

        1. Exhibit A of why Amendment H will pass. Presenting a false dichotomy and being a douche at a same time.

        2. False! Because we don’t want any affiliation with either party. It is a competition at times with who has the biggest dumpster fire and right now it is what used to be called the GOP party. Ideally we need more options or scrap political parties all together. I don’t recall our founding fathers ever intended for there to be political parties in the first place.

  3. I am amazed how a single issue can have both its advocates and opponents making inane shallow petty arguments. I will have to turn off my brain to make a decision.

  4. we have heard the inane argument that we will have more moderate candidates selected in an open primary because it will increase voter turn out. No, it won’t.

    The only thing which will increase voter turnout is to move the primary to Super Tuesday. Voting in a presidential primary is what gets people out to vote. As long as the primary is held in June, turnout will remain low, and all we will get are the fringiest extreme candidates

    1. Hmmmm. Ya think the newcomers (elites and establishment) to supporting this might not get the intended result? Wait until the party is irrelevant and they don’t have any turnout capabilities to mitigate this bill. Hilarious!!!!!

      Stupid gets what stupid deserves.

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