Weekly Update from House Majority Whip Rep Drury – Jan 27, 2023


Weekly Update from
House Majority Whip Rep Drury
Jan 27, 2023

The accomplishments of the house this past week are the kind of days that make me proud to be serving in the House. This week saw the passage of great policies that will benefit our state, and it was an honor to be part of these accomplishments.

Supporting Housing Infrastructure

On the house floor, we passed monumental legislation this week funding $200 Million for housing infrastructure. To best develop our workforce in South Dakota is to ensure that when workers come here they know that housing is going to be available to them. This legislation is a step in the right direction. One thing to note is that this is not a new conversation. We allocated money last year, but due to complications the money was not able to be spent. The legislation we passed this year has an emergency clause and will go into effect as soon as Governor Noem signs the bill. This bill is good for our communities, and I was proud to vote for it.

Serving those who serve us

We passed two major bills to benefit those who serve our state in the National Guard, and their families. HB1039 will allow the state to pay for 100% of in-state tuition costs for a member of the National Guard at either a state school or Technical College. I was proud to vote for this legislation, it’s the least we can do for those who put themselves on the front lines to serve our communities when crisis strikes. Furthermore, we passed HB 1046, which provides free tuition for a spouse or child of a member of the National Guard that’s disabled or deceased in the line of duty. Losing a family member in the line of service is heartbreaking, so it was an honor to be able to help this legislation pass.

At the end of every legislative week, we often ask ourselves: how did the actions that we took make South Dakota a better place? The work of the legislature will always involve tough debates and questions, but I strive every day to support policies that will improve our state one step at a time. With legislation like this, we are surely on the right track for 2023.

If you have any questions about current events during session or pieces of legislation, I am always open to hearing any questions or concerns you may have. Stay in touch by filling out the contact form at www.druryfor32.com. Have a great weekend and stay warm!