Welcome South Dakota Ethanol to Advertiser’s Row – Check them out!

Be sure to check out and click on our newest advertiser on the site, South Dakota Ethanol as they take the top left spot to explain how the CO2 Pipeline Project is a $3.2 Billion Opportunity for South Dakota. 

With a few more than 45 days until election day, SDWC has advertising opportunities for reaching South Dakota’s opinion leaders, based on a first-come, first-serve basis for available positions. Down page advertising spots are still available, and there are discounts for longer ad commitments.  Information on ad prices, ad positions, and ad commitments may be directed to the webmaster by clicking here.

Post-election, a number of spots will be opening up in the run up to what will be a legislative session that will be an upheaval of government with lots of new faces. It will also mark the beginning of the big one – the 2026 campaign season.

Please take a moment to visit our advertisers such as South Dakota’s chief executive Governor Kristi Noem, our friend South Dakota Senator John Thune,  Congressman Dusty Johnson, and Republican United States Senator Mike Rounds. Our friends at South Dakota Ag Alliance are also here to fight for landowner rights and common sense ag development, as Summit Carbon Solutions will keep our farmers and ethanol producers competitive on a world stage.

We have the people at IM29 promoting their measure, we  have the opponents to IM28 making sure South Dakotans know IM28 is a trap.. And we have SD Open Primaries asking voters via Amendment H.

At Dakota Campaign Store, down on the right, you’ll find me already busy in 2024 with yard signs, postcards, and all the things a professional campaign needs to make an impression.

Thank you to our advertisers for your support, and please reach out if you’d like to join them!