What’s shaping up for the other 2026 race – Mayor of Sioux Falls?

While there’s a lot of rumors flying in the race for Governor in 2026, the race for Congress in 2026, US Senate, etc.,  don’t forget about the other, earlier contest that’s set to happen that year – the race for Mayor of Sioux Falls.   With current Paul TenHaken term limited, and his name floated in speculation for one of the “big 3” what does the field look like to run for one of the most partisan/non-partisan political offices in South Dakota being in charge of our state’s largest city?

In talking with insiders, here’s what the field for mayor looks like as of November 2024.

  • The big dog in the race at the moment will likely be either SD Auto Dealers/Trucking head/former Legislator/former Councilwoman Christine Erickson OR former Legislator/At-Large Councilor and current small businessman Alex Jensen.  Erickson and Jensen would not run against the other, and either one represents a massive ability to pull in funding from far and wide across the state.  The question would be who likes their current job well enough to give the other a go-ahead?
  • Erika Beck, Chief of Staff to Mayor Paul TenHaken and former vice president of development for Lloyd Companies is said to be strong in the hunt. Rumor is that she might have current Mayor TenHaken as a supporter, but that depends on a lot of factors, especially if he’s running for higher office himself. He might just need to stay out of it.
  • Current City Councilor Rich Merkouis’ name has come up in discussions, as has Marshall Selberg’s. The question is whether either one could bring in the level of fundraising to support this kind of effort, as races in Sioux Falls grow more and more expensive and require deeper organization than ever before.
  • You may also add a local Democrat’s name in there to represent those interests, as well as older names in city politics such as Mike Huether’s, but time is most likely getting away from the former mayor to make a comeback. Other former candidates such as Jim Entenman are said to already be a no.

Whoever comes through the contest might be in the training grounds for higher office after they’re done, as having an inside track to an office governing more and more of the state does come with a lot of publicity.

Stay tuned, as this list will absolutely be shifting in the coming months.

10 thoughts on “What’s shaping up for the other 2026 race – Mayor of Sioux Falls?”

  1. Tenhaken is my odds on choice to be the next Governor of SD.

    Voters will be looking for a fresh face.

    1. Tenhaken won’t get by Dusty because he has never been in a tough campaign against a quality opponent. Dusty will break out big endorsements, campaign in every county in the state, play some of Paul’s greatest hits as mayor (shaming businesses that stayed open during COVID), and relegate him to a battle for 3rd with Jackley.

      As for mayor, Erickson vs. Huether would be an entertaining campaign for all political junkies to see.

  2. Ericka Beck would be strong. I’d say she would win. Tenhaken is her boss. I can’t imagine he wouldn’t endorse her. I don’t think his endorsement matters much if he’s endorsing his employee. It’s kind of expected.

    Alex Jensen?

    Who is running on the far right? Cole Heisey?

  3. I appreciate that Erickson and Jensen won’t run against each other, but if you have one of them, Beck, Merkorius, and/or Selberg that could spell disaster with Huether sneaking in again. Everyone says we’ve learned our lesson from 2010, but have we?

    Also, I expect a business exec, outsider, ala TenHaken, to get in.

  4. Had initially posted in the wrong category.

    Here’s a zany idea.
    Let’s get “my man Mike,” the “naked professor,” and Rick I can’t win a statewide election, or ballot measure Wieland together and flip a coin to see who will run for SF mayor. Might need to put out a SOS for “Hilde” to orchestrate the comeback of the century in SD politics. Let’s get your soldiers out collecting signatures.


  5. Except for being 100% wrong on all things Covid, Ten Haken has been a great Mayor as a day to day executive, as a civic/community leader, and visionary.

    Ten Haken’s influence will be less about who he endorses as it will be who most appears to embody the traits of TenHaken.

    Thank you Mayor for setting Sioux Falls on a very positive trajectory.

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