When the fat cats howl about campaign finance loopholes being closed, time to revisit THAT Lee Schoenbeck quote

I think Senator Michael Rohl touched a nerve.

Within hours after filing his proposed legislation that allowed fat cats to loan unlimited funds to their political action committees, far beyond the rules that Joe six-pack is required to live by, Toby “Dumpster-Fire” Doeden, the chief abuser who brought this loophole into a glaring spotlight came unglued on Facebook, and is absolutely howling that people are signing on to Rohl’s legislation to stop the abuse that allowed him to dump $100,000 and more into his Political Action Committee, Dakota First Action (yes, the PAC who held the rally with the alleged ‘black nazi’)  to try to buy elections:

Blah, blah, blah.  That’s a lot of excuses and finger pointing for something that comes down to his own actions. “Fact is, millions and millions of dollars flow into our state politics from out-of-state corporations, PACs, and other nefarious origins. This money is spent by compromised establishment politicians to maintain power.”  Did Toby actually pay a PAC staffer to write that ridiculous nonsense?  

The truth of the matter is that you and I can go to the Secretary of State’s website and look up exactly what was spent on campaigns, and who campaign funds were donated to and by whom. The limits are set in law, and legislators have decided the point where we it gets excessive, and goes beyond one-man, one-vote.

But there are times when the members of a citizen legislature don’t foresee everything. And a loophole exists. This is one of those instances, where they never imagined someone would dump cash in untold and unlimited amounts into a Political Action Committee via a loan.

The fact of the matter is that dirty campaigner Toby Doeden used much of that money he dumped into his PAC to launch text messaging across the state that did not follow state law in terms of disclaimers noting who was paying for it, until his feet were held to the fire.  And he had to figure something out, fast.

Dakota First Action_Toby Do… by Pat Powers

He was able to weasel out of the charges being investigated by the A.G. because of the loophole in the state law which allowed him to refile his $100,000 donation after he got caught by now calling it a “loan.” Illegal as hell when he did it. But by refiling it as a loan, the little-known loophole saved his bacon.  And here we are.

Senators Rohl, Reed and Wheeler, and Representative Otten are trying to fix the loophole. Leaving Toby crying, because he wants his unlimited loophole to remain in the dark recesses of South Dakota politics. But where have we heard all this before?

There was a similar debate a number of years ago when Senator Lee Schoenbeck argued a fix a similar loophole in 2005 which allowed people to donate unlimited funds to Political Action Committees. Quoting the February 1, 2005 Rapid City Journal article by Denise Ross (a friend to many who passed away in 2015):

And… (Here we have one of the all-time best Lee Schoenbeck quotes:)

The arguments against the latest bill are literally the same arguments used back in 2005. And we survived, except it took 20 years for the abuse of a loophole to highlight where the bill needed adjustment.

If you think a big boob like Toby should be able to buy elections by loaning his personal PAC hundreds of thousands or a million dollars at a time, then by all means, encourage your legislators to let this wide-open campaign finance loopholes stand as it is.

But if you think everyone should play by the same set of rules, and $10,000 is enough for dirty Doeden to dump into his campaign account just like everyone else – encourage your legislators to support Senate Bill 12.

16 thoughts on “When the fat cats howl about campaign finance loopholes being closed, time to revisit THAT Lee Schoenbeck quote”

  1. I encourage everyone to look at the Dakota First Action Facebook page. It’s as nasty as it gets. The entire page is filled with hate. Everyone should follow the rules-except Toby and his bunch. Where does all the hatred come from?

    1. I was blocked on that page and Toby Doeden for South Dakota because I backed him into a corner.
      He wants a public forum of one. Himself.

  2. “Dirty Doeden” might need to be a bumper sticker slapped on the side of the actively inflamed dumpster!
    It’s insulting how stupid Toby expects people to be. I can’t wait to see how “his” legislators vote this session. Working for South Dakota? Nope—clearly on Toby’s payroll!

  3. Anytime Dumpster Fire Doeden or Dakota First Action should the soon to be trademarked logo Dumpster Fire Doeden be included for the complete visual effect?

    South Side Aberdonians have been making complaining about a foul odor when outside and suggested it was the rendering plant. It may also be coming from the Doeden Dumpsterfires coming from the Auto Plaza and his new residence by the Brown County Landfill and Toxic Waste Disposal.

  4. We the people of South Dakota would benefit to see Mr. Toby Doeden be reported for an audit by the IRS and have state agencies take a deeper look into his dealings.

      1. Many many questions need to be answered which a full investigative audit would help going back years which would include COVID funds, TIFs and other records to present transactions and filings. Instead of Toby Doeden crying about it, blaming others and avoiding responsibility he should embrace it and look forward to cooperating with federal and state agencies in the spirit of transparency.

  5. Anyone ever look at Doeden’s finances? I don’t recall seeing anything. Would be interesting to see what he took in Covid money.

  6. Doeden took ALOT of covid money. AND he broke the rules (law!) and is now trying to create a smoke show. What happened to good men, who admit when they messed up and correct the action? Instead of weak men who just take the shovel and dig deeper. “Do what I say but not what I do.”

    RINO is the new word to call anyone who disagrees with crazy. It’s being thrown around like new years even confetti. I think people should be happy to be called a RINO because it means you aren’t a weak liar.

  7. Any legislators who vote against Rohl’s bill will surely be primaried in ’26. Then we’ll see how the voters feel about that.

  8. Toby’s desperate to self fund his PAC because he can’t get anyone else to buy into his BS and contribute! For all the bloviating and grandstanding, he raised very little in 2024.

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